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Am I wrong


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Sometime ago my wife told me that a friend of hers son was going into business for himself doing flat screen installs so if I needed someone I should give him a try. Therefore, last week I was running behind on a kitchen remodel so to save me some time I call the guy to come in and hang the TV. I had the blocking in the wall cable in place so he just had to come in, hang the bracket and TV, and hook it up.


Strike one he is two hours late said he be there at 8 am and got there at 10:40 no call.


Strike 2 comes in drops his tools on the granite counter top I asked his please not to put his tools on the counter. I put down some large pieces of cardboard and told him if you set your tools down please lay down your impact driver and not to set it up because that DeWalt is top heavy and could fall and chip the counter top.


Strike 3 The dam thing falls over and takes a chip out the size of a quarter and he acts like it is no big deal. He finishes the install told me he is running late to his next job, will stop by over the weekend to pick up his check, and hands me a bill for $250.00 and leaves.


At that point, I was speechless. I called my counter top guy he comes out and was able to fix it and hands me a bill for $150.00 and of course I pay him for saving my ass. Now the customer comes home and I have to show them what happen.  I lucked out they were happy with the repair and could not tell that it had been fixed. Now the real fun part begins. This A-Hole shows up to get paid so I give him 100 bucks and the bill from the counter guy now he is speechless. So I say is there a problem. He goes my bill was 250. I told him I just gave you 250. If you think, I am going to eat 150 bucks for your screw up even after I asked you not to set your tools on the counter top your mistaken. Let me ask you something if you just spent over 20 grand on a new kitchen and somebody comes in and chips your new counter what would you do. You’re lucky the client was ok with the repair or you would be the proud owner of a messed up piece of granite. Now the best part is coming. The guy just looks at me and leaves no big deal. About an hour goes by and my wife’s phone rings and I can tell by the look on her face is WTF. I can hear this guy’s mother  yelling at my wife, and when she could get a word in she said just said well all I can say is I don’t give a shit your son screwed up and he has to learn from his mistakes because evidently you didn’t teach him anything. Then she hung the phone up.  I just said now do you see why I do things the why I do.


So am I wrong for what I did. I feel like the guy is even lucky that I gave 100 bucks cash.

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I think you've acted with integrity. I suppose there is some question of whether he should have had a say in the picking of the bench-top repairer, but I think he probably lost that privilege with his otherwise unprofessional conduct.


Of course, there are two sides of every story story, and his version obviously convinced his mother. if your side of the story doesn't omit any details that would change the 'tone' of the interaction, I'd say you're definitely  in the right.

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I think you've acted with integrity. I suppose there is some question of whether he should have had a say in the picking of the bench-top repairer, but I think he probably lost that privilege with his otherwise unprofessional conduct.


Of course, there are two sides of every story story, and his version obviously convinced his mother. if your side of the story doesn't omit any details that would change the 'tone' of the interaction, I'd say you're definitely  in the right.


What I left out was he didn't say a word about it when it happened, He did not know that I was watching through the window and he put the chip in his pocket trying to hide it. He finished packing up came outside and told me that he would see me later. Maybe I should have called him out there but I was in shock that he did not give a shit about what just happen.

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That's the problem with subbing things out anymore too many hacks like this guy. I mean come on you should know that you need to take precautions on  when dealing with other peoples property. That's why you cant do buisness with people you know or even relatives of them it just causes more problems when shit goes wrong. It's amazing how flaky some contractors can be my friend has used some really bad contractors over the years. They start out ok and then they just get worse and worse with being on time to the rates they want to charge. I would have probably off the job after he was two hours late with no call. I just shows what he is all about. Its not shit to either call or send a text in this day and age to give a person a heads up. He does need to learn that fucking shit up costs you money what if he hit an electrical line you have to take precautions in any job.

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What I left out was he didn't say a word about it when it happened, He did not know that I was watching through the window and he put the chip in his pocket trying to hide it. He finished packing up came outside and told me that he would see me later. Maybe I should have called him out there but I was in shock that he did not give a shit about what just happen.


sounds very dodgy. bet he left out those details when running home to his mummy...

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Regopit u gave this guy an opportunity at more work for future jobs and this guy goes and thinks ur not gonna notice a QUATER size chip on brand new granite Whata dumbass he's lucky u offered him anything after that. I know accidents happen man but atleast man up and take responsibility for his actions not just try and hide it like a coward, oh and his mom had to call.....LOL!!! Well I'm glad to hear that ur customer was happy Regopit.

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I think you were to easy on him, he will not learn nothing from practically a free pass.......he is obviously not ready to be in business and it will show soon enough, time management is one problem, running late to each client means rushing, rushing usually means sloppy work and or mistakes to many of those and that spells OUT OF BUSINESS.......

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Your 100% in the right... maybe you should have called him out about the damage before he left the job just to eliminate any possible denial from him after the fact (he is most likely denying it to mommy).

He's damn lucky that he got off so cheap, imagine if the piece needed to be replaced, maybe it couldn't be fixed or maybe the customer didn't accept the repair!!

Also the fact that he got the $100 is super generous of you, I'm sure you had at least $100 worth of your time tied up into coordinating the repair and explaining it to the customer.

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Good for you Carrol. Also good for you wife! Your absolutely right. This is indicative of a societal problem by the way. I got a complaint lodged against me when I told some kid to take his hands out of his pocket three times. When he didn't I told h one more time and explained how hard is knock him on his ass if he didn't comply. Must be the look ony face cause he complied. About a half hour later the 24 year d boys mom called in a complaint. The problem is nowadays... People don't care. There is NO personal accountability. You just made him learn it. And your wife is right for pointing that out to the chowder heads mom too. Good for you Regopit. You did the right thing.

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I know that accidents happen how do you think I know about setting a DeWalt impact driver up on the battery pack. If he would have came to me and told me I would have been pissed but I would have let it go but, not to say anything was the part that did me in. 

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Good for you Carrol. Also good for you wife! Your absolutely right. This is indicative of a societal problem by the way. I got a complaint lodged against me when I told some kid to take his hands out of his pocket three times. When he didn't I told h one more time and explained how hard is knock him on his ass if he didn't comply. Must be the look ony face cause he complied. About a half hour later the 24 year d boys mom called in a complaint. The problem is nowadays... People don't care. There is NO personal accountability. You just made him learn it. And your wife is right for pointing that out to the chowder heads mom too. Good for you Regopit. You did the right thing.

At 24 years old you should be able to take care of your own problems. Your mom getting involved is just sad

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The only thing you did wrong was letting this a- hole leave without confronting him about what he did. That would have ended it all right there. I don't think I would have paid him a dime either. Just for hanging a mount? Didn't have to run wires or anything? 250 is a joke. Then he has his mother call? Chalk it up to experience and that would be to never hire anybody that isn't licensed. Never. With no license you have no recourse against them in anyway. Sounds like you got off easy enough.  That would piss me off to be sure. Glad it all worked out for you.

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