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I hate apple and their priceing on storage


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I was preordering the new Iphone 6s plus. I have the regular Iphone6 plus which I really do like because of the bigger screen. My big complaint is how are you supposed to store 4k video and high megapixel photo's on a tiny 16 gig Iphone?!?! Apps have gotten huge and plus even IOS my current phone only has like 5 gigs free. What I'm trying to get as its I can't believe apple didn't bump the default storage to at least 32 gigs stock, or get off their high horse an allow micro sd cards. This is my anti apple rant of the day!!

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I had an iphone back in 2007, and it was only 4GB ...lol I dropped Apple long ago because I can't stand the way they do things.......Andriod you decide and with Apple they decide.....can't stand it....never get an apple product again.....for me anyway.....

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Sorry guys. All Apple. I have the 6plus with 64gig and I'm writing on this on my Air. I do pay a buck a month for additional storage but with the Mac I bought my Wife, it has a Terabyte. I love my Apples but......Android is totally awesome. Completely user friendly and customizable. I'm an Apple fan just like I'm a Festool Snob but I still gots me some Dewalts and Bosch', Makitas and Milwaukees that I love! So I can appreciate Android for what it is. Plus I made the switch over about three years ago. Love the free texting and FaceTime.

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I was thinking about Android for a minute, but I'm just so used to how IOS works. Well it wasn't that bad back then when you have the first gen Iphone pictures didn't take up much space, and at the start no apps besides the default ones. I just wish apple would allow sd card support or have realistic prices on storage. I would have been cool if they raised the price 50 bucks for more storage but 100 is flipping insane!!!

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I think all of the phone companies use slave labor in China or other Asian countries. The one cool thing was when Google owned Motorola for a hot minute and did assemble a smartphone in the USA. I didn't last long though. If I wasn't getting the awesome deal with Sprint I'm getting right now I probably would have got the Moto G off contract. It does 95% of the stuff the more expensive phones do at 20% of the cost. If I will be honest all smartphones are overpriced for what they are really!!  People are noticing now how expensive the high end phones are not that cellphone carriers are not doing contracts anymore. People were cool with an 80 dollar phone bill, but they think twice when their phone costs 650 dollars or more!! I have messed with Android and I'm a big pc guy, but I love the simplicity of the Iphone it does what I need with the least amount of messing around. I will say they do need to update the look of the IOS it looks so dated now why can't I have weather on my home screen?!?!

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Yeah Jason.....that when I though about going back was when they started pushing the USA made Motorola. I've been using Motorola products for the better side of 27 years. Most of their stuff is made in China though. Still good quality and when it comes to brass tax, I've placed my life in their hands and they have never failed me. I switched to iOS from android and just prior to the release of the 6+ I was just about to switch back because I couldn't stand the stupid phone sizes but I really like iOS and the security features it provides because of their control of their whole system. I never used a Mac before but it's really like using my iPad. Amazing how everything works together cohesively as opposed to Windows. My work laptop and desk station run different systems, drives me freakin nuts! Still though, Android is a great platform and I ALMOST went back.

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Jason u finally moved up to a new phone bro? I'm still on 4s :/ but really thinking about getting the new iPhone that's out for wifey and me keeping her 6plus it's so damn big but the picture quality is so nice! That new galaxy's that's i

Out looks nice I don't understand why Apple hasn't came out with a water proof phone like them.

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Well the one cool thing BigMikez is your 4s will get to run IOS9. I have to say that phone seems to have the longest stretch of updates out of all the iphones. My Iphone4 lost support around IOS7. The only concern I have is how well will the new phone run!!!

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I guess I'm really indifferent when it comes to phones. I switched from Apple to Android when the Note 3 came out with Samsung. I have really big hands and I like the larger "phablets". At the time Apple only had the munchkin phones so I switched. I still have an iPhone for work so I guess I get the best of both worlds!

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

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of course it is a money grab....the whole industry is......there are almost the same amount of cell phones as there are people? wait...what.....if you have a gadget the entire planet wants you can pretty much do what you want.......

picture it 1973 John Mitchell and Martin Cooper sitting in a coffee shop in Chicago, Illinois saying someday everybody on the planet will have one of these things....

some guy walks by and says na....we won't talk we'll communicate with our thumbs someday.......

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Apple better worry commodity priced Android phones from companies like Huawei are starting to erode premium phone pricing. I think Apple might get in some hot water by offering the 16 gig version. I think some enterprising lawyer could possibly put in a class action lawsuit that apples sold a phone where you cannot reasonably use its features with the storage they provided. I was looking but depending on compression your looking at 3.5 to 4 gigs for 10 minutes of video. They better offer a lower quality option for people that don't want to max out their storage.

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Funny that Jason. I got the email from Verizon and then apple and saw the storage.....$749 for SIXTEEN GIGS!!!!!! Now I know I ain't that big of a crack head so......my Wife wants me to get this one and I think I'll keep my 6+. Perfect size and super fast and the camera is nice. Plus 64gb.

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Well Apple seems like a good value compared to the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge a 64 gig phone with them will set you back 914 dollars if you buy off contract. I have a problem when a phone is more expensive than a cheap beater of a car. I will probably be wrong, but I think we will see a massive reduction in the pricing of smart phones. We are at the point where I don't think we will see features that make people go omg this is something I can't like without. Even on the Android side your not seeing the big jumps forward in innovation anymore. The thing is they will get thinner and lighter and hopefully more battery life, but that's about it. That's why I kept my Iphone4 for so long It did what I needed it to do for the most part.

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the sad part of this industry is there are piles and piles of cell phones that work perfectly but because of hard coded upgrades by manufacturers and or providers they become useless and people are forced to upgrade.....thing is when you are paying close to the same money for a major appliance in your house as a cell phone you would think it will last longer than when THEY decide it is time. We live in a throw away world now, you won't hear it's almost 20 years old and still works fine........

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Apple has customers that will pay the price tag. (Myself included)

I have an iPhone 5c, that is essentially almost a 4 year old phone at this point. Still going strong. I got it with AT&T next.

I'm having a hard time justifying the upgrade to a new phone (ideally the 6s+) since I still have the latest OS (iOS 9.1) and everything works perfectly.

I have a PC but I intend to hackintosh it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I gotcha that makes sense. Are you going to go with more storage?

I went with 64gig's to future proof myself. I think 16 gigs is just way too tiny in todays world it was fine back in the era of the original Iphone4 even generous maybe back then now not so much. I know everyone talks about the cloud which is cool, but you don't have good data everywhere and it can ruin any sort of data cap you have wifi excluded. I thought next allowed you to get a new phone every year or something.

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Apple better worry commodity priced Android phones from companies like Huawei are starting to erode premium phone pricing. I think Apple might get in some hot water by offering the 16 gig version. I think some enterprising lawyer could possibly put in a class action lawsuit that apples sold a phone where you cannot reasonably use its features with the storage they provided. I was looking but depending on compression your looking at 3.5 to 4 gigs for 10 minutes of video. They better offer a lower quality option for people that don't want to max out their storage.

I think that's a mistake many people make wrt Apple. They avoid the race to the bottom by only trying to capture the big market share of the premium segment of the market, which they do exceedingly well. Someone really interested in video to the point they know about and want to actually shoot in 4K will just buy the biggest storage option. Also keep in mind this is a tool forum so most people posting here have at least some technical proficiency and love of such things. Many people still buy smart phones and use them like dumb phones or install few apps if any. Edit to add how many peeps today care only about FB, Twitter and Instagram?

Also to decry that Apple uses slave labor when they take more of a hands on approach over their suppliers than most companies and then brag about buying a $100 phone is a little off base. That $100 phone is cheap because they probably had horrendous conditions for the workers to shave enough cost off to get it to you for that price. Also this is a tool forum where 95% of our favorite toys come from China ;) The way I look at it as long as manufacturing is prominent in China and people take an interest things will improve but the government there has to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

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Apple has always charged crazy amounts for upgrades. Flash is so cheap these days there's no way they need to charge what they do, but their fans/customers will keep paying for it.


If you don't really care about having the latest iGadget why not give a cheaper Android phone a try?

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