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When Is It Time?.....


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Is there a time when you need your tools and they are not working for some reason?. Did you buy into the wrong brand thinking if I were to buy a different brand I may not have this problem?. Well let's face it we are buying tools at a rate that we never did before, we are buying tools to keep up with technology not the end use of the tools. There was a time when a tool could last you 20 or 30 years, now you go buy the newest model when it comes out just to be on top of things like computer growth. Is that a bad thing? we are getting these tools so fast after they hit the market we can only go by how well a tools preforms when it's new not when it has been banging around in a tool box for 5 or 10 years. We seem to think it should be good and if it's not we get out and grab a new one because it has more features anyway. I would like to see a top of the line tool line last longer than 18 months or so. Tool companies are dictating how long a tool's life span is by releasing new versions and not by the longevity of the tool itself. Everyone seems to want the bigger better faster or in some cases smaller better faster thinking, We are not giving them a chance, 1050 inchlbs torque will be replaced with 1200 inchlbs torque is it a better tool? will it cut down your labour costs that much? A lot of questions that can only be assumed because we are not giving them a chance.....

What are your thoughts?..... 

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Planned obsolescence is a horrible thing that's happening now a days. It's wormed it's way into all aspects of life from tools to phones to vape gear and so many things that we all rely on daily. In some ways it's sick to think that these companies do not want to put out a tool that's going to last 20 years because then you aren't going to buy the new one next year. It's gotten so bad that you aren't even able to fight the fight because by the time the fight would get to a boiling point your product already has to be replaced and you have to go and buy a new one just to continue normal life activities like work

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I can understand what you're saying and its very true,It makes it even harder for folks like me who do want to keep tools until they die. Innovation and tech in tools is pretty amazing right now. Just watching the TIA WoC vids this week makes me think that we are just beginning to see the future of tool tech.

I tend to buy for the long haul when i buy tools,sure cordless tool life you're at the mercy of the manufacture But i dont see current lines going away anytime soon. How much more efficient can you make the same tools over and over?  there has to be a limit.


I remember 20 years ago when we got our first cellulars,man those things were crazy big. Now they are large but super slim in profile with nice screens and pc like usability.

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that's my point, I have some tools that are corded and they are perfectly good tools, they are work horses in fact. They do the job as good or better and some of them are older than I can remember. But do I use them not so much, why convenience of no cords? don't get me wrong I love having my cordless tools but is it all that? I know some can say they are safer faster set ups not always around power ect ect 

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Technology ages really fast like our iPhones you have it for a year and then it's old technology because there is a new one out there

I still have my nicad Dewalt tools I'm going to keep them till they die because they have worked just fine for me

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that's my point, I have some tools that are corded and they are perfectly good tools, they are work horses in fact. They do the job as good or better and some of them are older than I can remember. But do I use them not so much, why convenience of no cords? don't get me wrong I love having my cordless tools but is it all that? I know some can say they are safer faster set ups not always around power ect ect 


Not always better imo, For me cutting the cord doesnt always make sense. Its just convenient to not have to get out an extension cord everytime like you said. Like my string trimmer for example it and several other of my Outdoor yard tools are corded,but sometimes I wish I had a cordless one too for small quick trims in spots.  often times i combine corded and cordless tools on jobs.  At a work bench I could easily have a few corded tools there at all times which would be nice.


My current cell is a Samsung S5 - no way ill be upgrading it anytime soon,does anything i need it to.


DEWALT DWD210G,DEWALT DW106K - 2 corded drills I still have.

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A sudden epiphany there comp?

Ah ok you got me, I'm kinda guilty of that. But, I'm not getting rid of any of my corded tools, nor any that are still working, phone is 5 years old, no reason to swap out it yet. However, the shift in quality is everywhere. We've talked about water heaters, it's a shame they can't last like the old ones, same with furnaces and boilers, same with appliances, etc....

I am much less affected by new stuff coming out than I am the old actually failing.

Another thing is the amount of non serviceable items anymore, sump pumps with internal switches going bad, replace the whole thing for example. Well pump goes bad because internal capacitors went out, replace the whole thing. I guess I just wish more equipment was made to have serviceable parts. Wishful thinking.

However, it's not so much the latest tools that I like so much as the deals that I find for them! Take the Milwaukee cordless nailers for example; there's no way I'm going out and buying one, mainly because I'm cheap like that, but also my old paslode is still rockin it like a young pup! If I find one with killer deal, yeah buddy I'm going to consider it!

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ya my buddy fixes TV's as a hobby or when ever one comes his way, I was sittin having coffee with him the other day and there was 3 large screen TV's that he fixed a 55" and two 60" they were less than 1 and a half years old dead to the world so somebody had them replaced.....he put $1.38 worth of capacitors in one and about $3 in the power board of the others......work like new......what a waste......funny when you take it to the service depot they tell you the power board is gone and it is not worth fixing due to the cost of a new one but no one says the power board can be fixed in about 10 minutes for next to nothing.......he makes nothing doing this as he cleans them up and donates them.......

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This is my first set of power tools ever so I'm not quite sure if I'm guilty of that mindset but I definitely realize that power tools become obsolete quickly. I must say even though my brushed cordless grinder works it still is ha rd to keep myself from spending the $$$ on a new metabo brushless because I'm going to have to spend that much on batteries or more to get that kinda run time and a lot less power out of mine. The obseletability of power tools is one of the reason why I spend the majority of my money on lifetime warrantied hand tools that will work as long as I do.

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This is my first set of power tools ever so I'm not quite sure if I'm guilty of that mindset but I definitely realize that power tools become obsolete quickly. I must say even though my brushed cordless grinder works it still is ha rd to keep myself from spending the $$$ on a new metabo brushless because I'm going to have to spend that much on batteries or more to get that kinda run time and a lot less power out of mine. The obseletability of power tools is one of the reason why I spend the majority of my money on lifetime warrantied hand tools that will work as long as I do.

It's only as obsolete as you want it to be lol it's awesome to get new stuff all the time but at the end of the day it's what gets the job done.


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It's only as obsolete as you want it to be lol it's awesome to get new stuff all the time but at the end of the day it's what gets the job done.


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its only new one time too.........no different than a vehicle, its awesome the first week you have it but eventually it will be the 3 year old junk in the driveway........as my wife refers to her 2013 ????? getting spoiled I thinking....

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its only new one time too.........no different than a vehicle, its awesome the first week you have it but eventually it will be the 3 year old junk in the driveway........as my wife refers to her 2013 ????? getting spoiled I thinking....

Perfectly fine with my base Camry that's 5 years old, don't need all the bells and whistles, now when we start talking table saws that's a different story lol.


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All the new developments we're seeing in tools is funded by people continuously buying new upgrades.  That works for now because all our cordless tools are honestly underpowered no matter how much they "deliver corded performance" so every upgrade is necessary.  Soon we'll get to the point that a battery can output higher power than a wall outlet so the development will be in new tools instead of rehashing old.


As far as cordless tools not lasting as long, I think the newer cordless tools will last almost as long as old corded ones but they just haven't existed long enough to prove that.

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I believe they are there now but why ruin the party, baby steps they can release 5 or more versions first.......

I remember awhile ago there was a ATI video card with 64mb of Ram on the card, at the time 128 Mb was insane, some young guy played with it and found out the card already had 512mb of Ram but just needed to be unlocked.......that kinda through a wrench into their marketing campaign....

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I believe they are there now but why ruin the party, baby steps they can release 5 or more versions first.......

I remember awhile ago there was a ATI video card with 64mb of Ram on the card, at the time 128 Mb was insane, some young guy played with it and found out the card already had 512mb of Ram but just needed to be unlocked.......that kinda through a wrench into their marketing campaign....

It's a shame that Moore's law doesn't apply to every part of our tools.
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Not quite there.  You could definitely do that with more expensive cells, but it would also mean about 2 minute runtime.


Throttling components is actually pretty common not just to allow upgrades but to sell multiple versions at the same time with the same hardware.  Hardware development for a cheap version is actually costs more than the savings on cheaper components so they increase market share by selling the cheaper throttled version.  They could always sell the high end version at the lower price to everyone, but that means charging the high end people less or losing the low end customers.  The big problem is it's too expensive for a startup to enter the market selling the high end tools at lower prices.


Someday it'll probably be $100 for the base drill and $0.10 for every in-lb of torque.

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This topic falls into the great argument of "Want versus Need"


Do I want to go out and buy some of the best and innovative out there? Hell yes, but for most of the work I do, I can get by with my current arsenal. For example, my miter saw is probably the biggest POS I currently own. It's off 4* from true 90* . I've made marks on the table to account for the error. But for myself, it's adequate for what I use it for and the amount of times I need to use it throughout the year.



Now that I think about it. I really should replace the piece of junk. LOL 

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