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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. ChrisK


    No prob Chad, it's been so cold for the last two months were getting a lot of solid ice in the inlets even on tidal water. It's normally cold in winter but this one has been really cold just,like over in you neck of the woods.
  2. Thanks Chad.....on occasion while cutting through wood like "buttah" I scream out...."Get into da choppa if you want to live!"
  3. Money dude. Money. They did just buy like 8 all wheel drive cars so maybe they will flip the fleet over but my car will probably retire with me in 3-1/2 years. My baby is still sweet n new! Also thanks for that. I've been really hesitant to do a video and truthfully I still am. I don't know any of the technical stuff, don't have a mic and truthfully it's a paint to hold the phone and shoot while running the tool. And man my voice sounds weird hearing it drone on back at me.
  4. Yeah. I checked the saw out. It's like $255 shipped here. But....no batteries and no charger to fill the gap. I would really like to look into getting that. It looks like a really solid saw.
  5. ChrisK


    Let me know John! I grew up in Wells of course I live in NH but only 35 minutes away.
  6. ChrisK


    Ogunquit Me. Dude. Perkins Cove, lobster fleet
  7. ChrisK


    That's the Atlantic Ocean dude! Salt water freezing up!
  8. ChrisK


    Northern girls have huge appetites dude! My wife can eat a ton she is right there too, 110 soaking wet.and seriously, thanks for the shirt it's awesome!
  9. Yeah that really makes sense Alan and spending just to have the pack is kind of absurd. I just got a 4.0 Bosch pack from the UTB and I have one 3.0 and one 4.0 for my Dewalts. I really like the run time in the 4.0, markedly different from my 3.0 especially in the circular saw. But to go out and drop an extra bone and a half plus....not for me. But the time I've burned through my 3.0 my 4.0 is charged and vice versa.
  10. ChrisK


    Yeah but you know what Comp? The fish and lobstahs would know I'm a Festool Snob! Got the t shirt just a little bit ago! My wife saw and just laughed. She said "so true"! Thanks dude! It's going to get hung in my shop!
  11. Work is interesting Mike. 450 hp. No snow tires (we use all seasons....they suck), rear wheel drive, about five inches of ground clearance. It's really really really really really fun. We've had 23 guys hit this winter in their cruisers. That's the most ever. Also, here is my RO65VC in action!!!
  12. Wow. Where's Dilbert???? Looks awesome dude!
  13. Yeah. Festool batteries are cheaper!!!! WTH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  14. ChrisK


    Apparently I live on a large slope.
  15. ChrisK


    hey guys, in spite of the five feet of snow we've gotten in the last four and a half weeks and the foot that is starting to fall right now, Samantha and I went for a ride to actually enjoy the day. It's cold, about 14 when I took this picture with a wind chill below zero but all in all this is home....
  16. I'm really looking forward to that wireless 12v battery Madman. That's gonna be really nice to go with my small but growing set!
  17. If I had to guess BK, I think they are made in Taiwan. I really want to give em a try but with the UTB I got this Klein Linemans and those are some really nice pliers. I've been using them in the shop quite a bit. I know they're pricey but.....now to the needle nose ones. I am sure these are great though, I played around with the first batch at HD and they really feel solid.
  18. Wow....nice looking saw there John. I would've even consider that one! Wicked cool looking tool!
  19. Yeah the poor girl is getting dirty looks from my RO90. This sander is really big. Really powerful. Made in Sweden. Has an unbelievable chassis that is completely suspended. I will be using this all weekend and am pretty stoke. Thanks Mike! BK is dead on, gotta put the camera in landscape mode for my next video. I am a little bit "backwards" on doing these though and am not sure if I like it. I'll try it again, maybe when I'm doing the work shop update as opposed to taking photos. Still a train wreck we've been getting so much snow in the last four weeks (5 feet and it'll be 6 by mid or ing tomorrow) doing snow removal, clean up, work in the big bedroom etc. that I haven't been doing much of anything in the shop.
  20. Oh and one more thing. madman made a post about this light and I have it. This light is honestly an AWESOME work light. I used it during a serious post crash inspection of a school bus lat week. The light has a great and strong carabiner base that you can fold over to put in a pockets or in your jacket, the magnet though small is incredible useful and strong and the light output (2 modes high and low) is incredible intense. I have the Syslite and love it and was going to try and get another but this one is more than enough. I actually bought into the 12v line just for this. And yesterday I got the little 12v vac for tool clean up. Worth every penny at $59 and I the starter kit with two 2.0 batteries, charger and Lboxx is $69.
  21. Thanks Mike, that heater makes a racket down there. I tried shooting a video the other day when I took my pellet stove motor / augers out to remove a bolt that had jammed in the upper assemble but....I'm 601, 215 and trying to fit behind a stove that is less than two feet from the inner corner of my living room prompted some explosive outbursts of Tourette's in the general direction of everybody, everything, the weather, my job, my current situation on my elbow in my neck, my bowel movements, my pants, grease....anyways I decided no.
  22. Thanks for defining it DR, I have always used full head and kind of assumed that but really didn't know. And what NER says dude....screw screw screw! Cost more but way more strong and GRK are the best in my opinion.
  23. Thanks BK I held the phone upright, good info there for future videos. Also Madman, totally agree on the price, different uses though. That is a definite future purchase for me. Perfect for high end finish work on that guy!
  24. That would be a really sweet sander for the finish work but even on recon it's like 300! This coming from the Festool Snob
  25. From what I understand it's the same one but it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong! Really cool light and the magnet is phenomenal!
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