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Justin Hernandez

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Everything posted by Justin Hernandez

  1. Dan I found the perfect drywall guy for the Rotozip video..lol
  2. Yup and they always slow things down to a crawl when it comes to buying fixtures, paint, cabinets, etc.. They call and say come hang the lights up you get there half the stuff is missing, "Oh I didn't know I needed four ceiling fans". "Light bulbs I need light bulbs" Don't even get me started about bill collecting
  3. Never seen this before looks cool, is it battery operated as well?
  4. Yup, got the same truck here but its a rare sighting actually seeing it here
  5. Doing some trim work??
  6. I would use it, I sure get a good workout using ratchet cutters and a heavy ass Greenlee hydraulic crimper. I know these tools are pricey but I wasn't expecting 3 thousand dollars for a tool which outer shell is plastic. Definitely need to try a demo for awhile before buying, my utility company is so cheap that they use split bolts to tie in power. Its not a small company either one of the utility guys the other day told me that his hardhat came from a dead guy. I don't want to know how he died I didn't ask hopefully it wasn't work related. Getting electrocuted being a sparky is one of my biggest fears, yea I get shocked all the time its just part of the job but I never want to go out that way. I just don't understand how a utility company doesn't have a crimper and I have one and I'm not using it everyday but they would use it everyday. Oh well more work for the both of use because the split bolts fail all the time and burn things up.
  7. Looks nice not sure where it would be used at, maybe a heavy equipment shop
  8. Wow I feel like a dumbass now, I was confused because of the air fittings I thought you put them on there. I see how it works now thanks for the pictures
  9. Yea, I've never seen a cordless framer take two strips
  10. So I bought the Big Shot yesterday and than came home and watched the HD replay on Periscope were Dan bought one also. Life is funny like that, but I was disappointed it leaks it won't shut off all the way its not a huge deal but for 10 dollars it should work right. To my amazement I come home from work and watched another replay from Dan to find out his leaked and he took it back for another one. I don't know if he had the same failure as me but I'm wondering if I did something wrong I read all the directions before use just twist to turn off how hard can that be. It may be hard to see but their is a small stream coming out. Pic below
  11. Awesome, it looks so tiny in this picture..lol I had no idea that Paslode nails fit it the gun
  12. I wish I did more painting to justify purchasing one, How do you like it??
  13. Just because you don't know doesn't make you ignorant Its an Air Conditioning manifold for checking the system pressures
  14. It sounds like you know your stuff have you done any A/C work before? I like it haven't had any problems with it, so much easier than analog gauges, a lot of YouTube guys swear by the 550's. Not to many people even have digital gauges here, that's why I mentioned YouTube theirs some good techs on there. The A/c guys here are a joke. Everything is hoseless and wireless now I'm looking to upgrade soon
  15. Nice work Rego, I know what you mean about jobs being a pain in the ass. I only take work that only requires a few days or a week and try to work smarter not harder. I just hate being in the same place for so long it feels like I will never leave. The worst is when you have to deal with a homeowner who has never been involved with a remodel before.
  16. Thanks for taking the time out of you're busy day to read this. Have a nice day!!!!
  17. All those trolls saying they won something are annoying as hell
  18. I don't mine working on equipment, I just hate when people beat the crap out of things and then bring it to me and tell me its broken. The worst part is trying to get Betty's heavy ass back in the truck..lol
  19. Awesome, time to start banging some wood
  20. How does this work I never seen this before? Its a rafter hook??
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