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Everything posted by jbw55

  1. jbw55


    Its cool they did the video but wished they picked a different brand / light, never the less its good to see them do a variety of product videos.
  2. Looks good, you'll be fine.....at least there not like our goverment, get them all together and no one get's along or anything done LOL!!!
  3. No kidding and that's the medium size split......when we go there its desert for dinner LOL!!
  4. Everyone here love ice cream.....my wife and I try to visit our favorite ice cream place a few times a month, its a old school type place and been in business making there own ice cream for 119 years. What's cool about this place is if your half way through your desert and run out of cherry's on top they will bring you more, run out of nuts, whip cream what ever they bring you more and don't charge you, The other cool thing is they have small, med and large of many deserts.....there banana splits are my favorite. http://www.fentonscreamery.com/
  5. jbw55


    Here is a cool light, its a 2015 limited edition Elzetta.....unfortunately this one will be difficult to find as its a limited run and sold out....oh well, still putting it on the wish list LOL!
  6. Came together quite nicely, great job!!.....looks like a fun room to hang out in, salute
  7. Now we need a ASCD 18 W4 impact deal to show up
  8. jbw55

    Safety first!

    Ha ha the Linesman pliers have many uses for sure.....not so sure on the Rambo move with the tooth thing though LOL
  9. There are several YouTube vidoes showing bandsaw, tablesaw, grinder, etc.....
  10. Agree those Shockwave bits should be pulled from the shelves....built and engineered by Sum Ting Wong and Ho Lee Fuk
  11. Awesome all around.....enjoy!!!!!
  12. So I guess you'll be doing a member give a way here since your into Dewalt
  13. jbw55


    Picked up the EagleTac 2015 edition D 25C Titanium Clicky and a P25 LC2 lights today....
  14. jbw55


    Like hitting the flashlight lottery
  15. jbw55


    Wow, that's a costly light to loose and find......about $175
  16. jbw55


    I hear you on the strobe, it will definately stop you in your tracks I'll find some time later in the week to compare the Nitecore with the Eagtac.
  17. jbw55


    The Nitecore EC4 showed today.....Just a brief time with the lights, The Nitecore EC4 is well built, fits in the hand nicely and the fit and finish is well done. I also recently got the Streamlight HL3 which also is a great lite, with equal build quality. Both are close in output with the NC at 1000 and SL at 1100 lumens. The Nitecore throws a fairly white center, its white is crisp and clean but with a slight grayish over tone and as you move away from the center the grayish overtones become a little more dominate. The Streamlight throws white period, its over tones have more of a creamy color (less contrast) and overall a more natural white, not quite a soft white though. Both lites are close in price in kit form, NC $65 and SL $80.....All in all both lights perform on the same playing field however my preference leans slightly to the Streamlight for its color, at least for now. I wouldn't hesitate owning either light and of course it comes dowm to a YMMV thing, all is good
  18. One of the many great uses tie wire and duct tape have LOL!!
  19. good point but the band-aids don't rip as much hair off when removed hey can you guess how to make redneck jumper cables.....
  20. Job site survival kit.....tie wire, duct tape and band-aids LOL
  21. if so hopefuly there gen II rocks.....I hear the impact is good
  22. That's creative, I like it....
  23. Crazy people out there.....Could be the mind altering drugs they did in there younger years haven't quite worn off LOL!
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