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Posts posted by BMack37

  1. One of my close friends keeps getting his and his wife's credit card info stolen...on brand new cards, envelops come looking like they were tampered with. They're mailbox has a lock so it's in their postal system but it seems that USPS doesn't care and won't do anything to stop it...even though it's a federal offense.


    It's one of those things at this point that we just have to live with, we need multiple cards and every once in a while you're going to get your card number stolen. The only thing the chips do is put the liability on the business swiping the card...but people that steal card numbers often print their own cards so checking ID doesn't work and the chip doesn't do anything if someone prints a card that can swipe, in my opinion it's just a money grab to get businesses to buy the machines that read the chips in the cards.

  2. On another forum Ash from German-hand-tools.com is offering half price off catalog(which is cost) until the end of December, you have to email him and pay shipping. They do not have this set in the catalog but he may have it. They have other sets, including a set that is basically this but in a plastic case for $45. Shipping will probably be around $8-10.


    Hope I don't get in trouble for linking to another forum but limited time left on the offer: http://www.garagejournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=309158


    I ordered a full set of screwdrivers, a T-handle, a bit holder, the ratchet, a precision screwdriver set and some bits. I'm EXTREMELY happy with everything I bought, very high quality tools. The ratchet is soo smooth that you can make it ratchet just by putting pressure on the back with your thumb. My only complaint is that I wish the precision screwdriver case was a bit more sturdy, it's flexible plastic and the tray on the inside is rather cheap...but the machining on the tips is very nice and I paid under $17 for them with the discount. I bought a roll up pouch similar to what the Wihas come with.

  3. Those are sweet pliers,congrats all. I have a pair of Klein diagonal cutters that i really like. They are good tools.


    Speaking of giveaways, I noticed your post on Stewart's site for the giveaway, I didn't need them so I donated my entry to you. Don't know if he'd let me ship direct to you so if I win I may need your address. :)

  4. Congratulations on the pliers BMack! I think you're the only name I recognized!

    But congratulations to all the other winners too!

    Can you only win once? Or can you win on another day too?


    Thanks! Don't forget Kruton, he's a great forum member!


    Congrats to all the winners. I've seen reviews of these pliers and they're REALLY nice, this is literally the only thing from Klein on my Amazon watchlist!


    Pic for proof! I think Dan and Eric might be bugging our wish lists ;) :


    • Like 2
  5. Miller, I'd recommend uploading it to imgur and then posting that link. The good thing about imgur (besides that it's free) is that it takes away any location data left in the picture. Most phones default setting is to add location data to your photo so you can search by location(called geotags). The problem with that is that others can see the GPS coordinates when you upload the photo, Adam Savage(from mythbusters) had pictures(google street view) of his home posted online after he uploaded a picture. When posting pictures of your shop, tool collection, things worth a lot of money....I feel it's a bad idea to give out your location to the tech savvy. It will most likely never be an issue but you wouldn't post your address in the open forum right?


    Long story short, use imgur; It's free, it protects you, you can easily find pics you've posted and it's easy to share pictures.

  6. You need to quit tempting me with all of this knipex stuff Jimbo. If I didn't already have a couple of Cobras I would probably get these


    Tell me about it, between the Amazon deals and some reward points I've bought 10 pairs of Knipex pliers in the past two months. Thinking about making it 11.

    • Like 1
  7. How does the 3-in-1 work?  It looks like 1/4 & 1/2 drive.  I don't see the 3/8.  Do the smaller drives collapse to allow the 1/2 socket to fully attach?


    Like Jimbo said, the 3/8" is on one side. The 1/4" is on top of the 1/2", permanently, nothing collapses.


    It's not a good ratchet, stay away. It's not made very well, the switch sucks, the head is massive and the space it takes up to use is just ridiculous. There's a reason they have a set that comes in a box with sockets/3-in-1 ratchet that is about the same cost as the stand-alone ratchet(actually I think it's cheaper).

  8. Glad to see you guys finally get your pliers in!


    Here's another out of stock but free shipping when it's in stock: Xcelite SN54 Long Nose Side Cutting Pliers with Green Cushion Grip, 5" Length, 1-3/16" Jaw Length for $11. Cheapest on eBay is $30..but there are two auctions with two pliers for $30. COO = USA

    Amazon deal: http://www.amazon.com/Xcelite-SN54-Cutting-Pliers-Cushion/dp/B004UNFSZ0/ref=sr_1_18?s=power-hand-tools&srs=9306520011&ie=UTF8&qid=1450342479&sr=1-18&refinements=p_36%3A300-1600

    eBay search results: http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&_nkw=Xcelite+SN54&_sop=15

  9. Dishwashing gloves, jk



    Women love when you put thought into their gifts. Women tend to hint at things they want, anything she's been looking at online or when you guys go to stores? Like if you want a drill, when you go into Home Depot you play with the drills right? Women do that too. Just make sure it's something for pleasure, not chores or something she "needs." Maybe a nice night out to go to a play or something. I once had a gf try to get me to go to a pottery class, you'd probably have to recreate the scene in "Ghost" but she might enjoy it...might be opening a can of worms though.

  10. As awesome as giveaways are in just happy to be part of this forum, some other places people are just rude and nasty where here everybody comes together to form an awesome community for really constructive feedback and help, not criticism.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Exactly, fantastic community. I've never seen a forum where there isn't some internet drama and arguements, until I joined here.



    Yeah TIA CREW is totally like family,I like that.

    Not my family, I get along with you guys better haha

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