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Posts posted by JimboS1ice

  1. never mind the patience and time involved how about the balls it takes to work with wood that cost up around $40-$80 a board foot!.....I know I have worked with some pretty expensive wood and some of it just don't act like regular wood, some of it is like glass so cutting a precision edge is crucial.

    It was amazing to watch them line the grains of wood up so that it looked like a continuous board through the corners.


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  2. Happy Halloween boys, too bad we couldn't trick or treat for some tools! I'm not asking for much maybe a pair of knipex pliers or some proto sockets, no big deal.


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  3. I have a pair, they are FANTASTIC. Vampliers is the US distributer, they do limited advertising and charge more than the OEM which doesn't do any advertising. The OEM is Engineer and they sell for about $10 less. Here's a link to the ones I have: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002L6HJAA?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00

    They have two different sizes of this tool, then they have a micro version as well as a slip-joint version. Very good quality, strong jaws, good cutters on them. Handle is dense and comfy. I love them, they got me out of a jam on site Friday. Screw was really tight, screw head was stripped. Grabbed these guys and it was out in a few seconds and because the way they're cut, they don't slip like trying to do it with regular pliers.

    Good to hear, I might just have to do these to the tool box, thanks for the link!


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  4. Some of them. I travel throughout Chicagoland for work, so I find myself in a depot at least every other day. The ones by my house have one at the Pro desk.

    The HD in Oak creek Wisconsin had two of them right by the service desk for customer use.

    Never payed attention I'll have to take a look.


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  5. My wife wanted that DeWalt spot light real bad.We have had the Stanley and others in the past.We are out in the country and have to check for Coyotes at night and morning before sun comes up.Before letting our dog out to do his duty.So we got the spot light for $59.00 at Farm&Fleet.Then rather then spending $70.00 for a charger and $100.00 for the 2 pack battery pack.We found a 1/2'' drill with 2 batteries and charger on sale for for $129.00 Batteries are not the 2or 3or 4or5 but I think 1.5 but should be fine for our use.

    Now we have DeWalt 20v and 18v and Craftsman 19.2 and Milwaukee 18 fuel tools.Oh well nice spot light for Coyote checking.I told here thats her drill for around the house.

    My lights came in today, can't wait to try them out.


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  6. Thanks! Its awesome. :-D (My first thermal cam)

    Even got myself an Wide-Angle lens for it.

    Makes it even more practical. :)

    I'm sure thoose knipex will serve me nice. Already got 2 Wrenches (10" and 6"), a cobra and two other knipex stuff. Just amazing quality. :)

    We have thermal cams at the fire department and they are fun to play with. Ours are rather pricey though, we purchased a few MSA cameras for around 8000 each, have fun with it, turn your stove on and watch the heat signature above the flame, pretty cool!


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  7. I tried using the HD computer the last time I was in there and I couldn't figure it out very well. Computers and I don't get along. I guess I am destined to only find things in the stagnant clearance section.

    Your stores have computers to use?


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  8. I just worry how long to wait to see if it goes down again before someone snags it. Guess I better get to sweet talking the wife!

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

    Cadillac of miters! Better snatch that score up, even if t drops its not worth losing it.


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