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For The Record.....


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So yesterday I'm in my shop minding my own business, and I get a phone call from my 89 year old aunt. She can't reach the top of her apple tree and wants me to come cut it down a bit. So I motor over to see her. Here she is at her age half way up a tree trying to reach the tops to prune it. I go in her shed to grab a taller ladder and low and behold she has a genuine Record 52D quick release vise sitting on the counter??? I ask her where did she get that... she says oh I found it in the basement must have been your uncles why you want it?..........lol 
the only thing I can see is missing is the dog.....






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ok ok so my aunt it almost 90, she can barely speak english, and her hearing is not the best.... I phone her and said " hi you wouldn't happen to have the dog for that vise would you?" she says " What the hell do I want a dog for I said you could have it".......I guess I didn't think that through....

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