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Woodworking benches


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@rrmccabe. Thanks. Ya, I kept getting ideas after I started and was trying to think of ways to implement them but I'm holding off. Trying to decide to add dog holes now or later. The piece I still have to attach would be easy to get to the drill press as it is only a few pieces wide.

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My biggest issue is I have enjoyed the luxury of a large center island assembly bench and dont want to give that up. Its hard to build a nice woodworking bench that is 40" wide so you can do other work on it too.

I keep going back to some type of hybrid bench out of MDF either vertically laminated or torsion box style but need to incorporate good vises and dog holes.


If it was not for expansion differences in the materials it would be easy, but just have not come up with right solution yet !

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My biggest issue is I have enjoyed the luxury of a large center island assembly bench and dont want to give that up. Its hard to build a nice woodworking bench that is 40" wide so you can do other work on it too.

I keep going back to some type of hybrid bench out of MDF either vertically laminated or torsion box style but need to incorporate good vises and dog holes.
If it was not for expansion differences in the materials it would be easy, but just have not come up with right solution yet !

Build separate woodworking bench and keep the assembly table. My bench is only 5ft by 2ft.

Last piece is in the clamps. This pieces didn't match up as nicely as the first glue up. [emoji17] I can feel a lip. 96e8856db133f70e0292f8292bbb4ea5.jpg

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I would do that but my shop layout does not facilitate two tables. But I did consider building a 24" woodworking bench and a 24" MDF torsion box bench that would plane with it and put them side by side. I was just was considered about the woods expanding at different rates and ending up with a step when it was humid vs. dry.


Ideally, I bench the size of yours would be perfect and then a large assy table elsewhere would be great. Just cant give up the space to do that.

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23 hours ago, rrich1 said:

@setbuilder I'm hoping with glueing it up in so many stages it will keep it as flat as possible. If needed I'll try and plane it down.

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I'll search for it when I get a chance. A while back I watched a vidieo where it showed how to make a sled to true up a table with a router. 

He screwed rails on the side of the table and ran the sled off them.

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Got the top out of the clamps today. I decided to try the hand plane method. I've never used a plane for real before. I have a #5 and #4. Got them tuned up and went to town. I started on the bottom to get a feel for it and to not screw up the top. It turned out really well. While not dead flat (if I spend more time I'm sure I could get it there) it is close enough for me to get the legs going. Very happy so far. Especially for a first time! 4e2d02cc40486780deed27e1795c0f93.jpg43474eeb2cc32855fda48c9d13a176df.jpg956490bc6be305e69e8ea2d1f3bc5f2c.jpg78274dd349724fd0f236744b6b5e5956.jpg

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Looks great.  Question though - what did you use to cut the top to length?  Those boards are what 3 1/4" or so thick - too much for a circular saw (unless you've got a 10") and way to long to comfortably put on a table saw.

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Looks great.  Question though - what did you use to cut the top to length?  Those boards are what 3 1/4" or so thick - too much for a circular saw (unless you've got a 10") and way to long to comfortably put on a table saw.

Thanks. I cut them to length on the miter saw. During clamp up I made sure to keep one side as flat as possible. I had one section come out a little long. I will sand/plane that down to get it all squared up.

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Got the legs milled on 3 sides before shift tonight​. I milled the legs 1/16" of an inch too short to match the lamination on the top. My ocd will go bonkers of I can't figure out how to get it to match up. Legs are not glued yet. 48c2abf4751f94fd32f2f3191b9d3184.jpg

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Weekend progress. Got the legs glued, jointed, and planed. One end is squared off right now. Undecided on the height of the legs for now. Will most likely go a little long. Easier to take some off than it is to add to it. You can see where I messed up and will most likely have to plan each side of the top down so the hickory lines match up. Darn oversights! 30add2204d861510265172e499c899ce.jpge04741c624dc3ac32af98245bd6d39d9.jpgf581b4f9dc52fa8a40efe1bc7579206f.jpgf5e71232d46b6cc285f52b50f735ffca.jpg

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Wow, beautiful work [mention=50861]rrich1[/mention]!
I'm stumped at the moment in planning my bench. I bought two Festool MFT tops that I thought I could place end-to-end, just not sure how to do it yet. 
Impressive work!

Thanks! I almost wish I had made a tail vise into the bench but that would have added length and more money to the bud right now. I'll do an add on one and will be fine. This is a starter bench to see what will fit my needs the best.

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Finally able to get some work done this weekend. My wife had surgery this week and I took the week off. Took the plunge and got the legs measured out where I think I want them. Cut them out with a forstner bit, router, and lots of chiseling. They are not perfect by any means but I did get the hickory lines matched up darn near perfect.

I also got the stretchers cut, planed, and glued up. Still need to cut them to final length and cut the half laps on them and the legs.

I have been looking at bench crafted or wooden vises for the leg vise. I was talking with my father in law and apparently he can make me the screw and nut! I went and bought a piece of tiger maple and am going to glue up pieces of hickory for the hub. 3d8d0c0adf100752f4f188a703d38865.jpg5caa5a47d3974a49dea6a5b9523c5d83.jpgd1173471262fcb4f1f30591a4d7191ad.jpgcdfdf3abd2f46c0d5b1f15e7ddd9ae56.jpg26a7535bd9004ef1022f97f82382b73b.jpg68443ec5a08643e29156b30d683e327f.jpg

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