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How to work faster?


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They say "time is money". Today at the end of work the 2 top guys under the boss had a talking to us newer guys about our work and stuff and one of the things that came up was we need to be faster.


How do you guys work fast without reducing quality? 


For example, if I am painting, I don't wanna do a bad paint job on a room just so I can do it in a "fast enough" time. Also I don't wanna paint it so slow that it takes too long. They were saying even for a beginner it should not take more than double the time what an experienced worker would do it in.

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What were you hired as?


Did you lie about your experience or were you truthful?


Did you ask how can they help you work faster?


Speed comes with experience 


A good attitude and eagerness to learn will go very far.  I would much rather work with an inexperienced guy with a good attitude who is fun to be around than an experienced guy who is an a@@ hole.


Its ok to leave and go some place else with what you have learned.  When I worked as a mechanic we used to joke, my tool box is on wheels for a reason and there is another shop right down the street.

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In the military we have a saying: "slow is smooth and smooth is fast".  I see it all of the time as new trainees try racing each other in disassembling and reassembling machineguns and other weapons.  The faster you try to go the more prone to mistakes you are until you gain experience and muscle memory.  I learned early on to establish a rhythm and flow to work faster without rushing through things.  Everything from tire mounting and balancing back in the day to weapon assembly/disassembly to office work benefits from this.

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