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Milwaukee 48-22-2000 Review of a Serious Tool


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Well, as we all know, after a long hard day at work, be it working on a new home, fixing what the " " CONTRACTOR " " did, or dealing with the intricacies of whatever other line of work you may do (I won't mention the tools I have to deal with) you might find yourself in need of a liquid refreshment. Thankfully Milwaukee sought out a way to fix this problem. Calling on the bright minds of the Milwaukee Skunk Works Team, located somewhere in a small building at the end of a dark street in an area predominantly populated by the Irish, yes God Bless the Irish, the answer to, "Lord above, how I love thee and thy neighbor, but of Lord, help me, I'm going to commit sin without your Divine help, and strangle that irritating Monkey smelling piece of rat turd, please answer my prayer to be a good Christian", an answer was found.

Introducing the Milwaukee 48-22-2000! Solid grip, rubber over mold to conquer the tightest fitting bottle caps and PLEASE LEST US NOT FORGET THE 10 GAUGE WIRE STRIPPER, a way to carve through the thickest of wires, hopefully when we are sober enough to remember what is behind that 10gauge wire (a permanent Afro if not careful).

To all my TiA brethren, Milwaukee has yet again proven to be the LEADER in tool manufacturing and innovation. A way I can reach out with one hand grasping this tool slightly and another, holding on to the slim profile and neck of Samuel Adams Porch Rocker (currently sob sob sob not available till Summer and the only ale I will drink so it's a long dry winter sob sob sob) and gently lift releasing a lemony zesty refreshing smile across my face before I reach out and throttle the irritating monkey smelling tool with a very chagrin look upon my face.

To all a Happy New Year and God Bless!

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lol, nice write up Chris. Wire stripper and beer bottle opener in the same tool.....that focus group must have been an eclectic mix of characters.

I can see it now. "We need a focus group for this bottle opener. Hurry up and go find us 5 rednecks, 3 Mexicans, and 2 guys from the halfway house down the street".

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Good review Chris very entertaining. I remember when I first seen a website talk about the Milwaukee bottle opener a few months ago. I thought it was a joke but it's good to see it's very useful. It is weird it's a bottle opener first with a wire stripper function

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lol, nice write up Chris. Wire stripper and beer bottle opener in the same tool.....that focus group must have been an eclectic mix of characters.

I can see it now. "We need a focus group for this bottle opener. Hurry up and go find us 5 rednecks, 3 Mexicans, and 2 guys from the halfway house down the street".

Don't forget the three Micks too!

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I think that you guys maybe mistaken. That is not a wire stripper but a wire tie cutter. So when you go to your buddy’s house and he has used wire ties as a way to lock the frigid you can cut them off to get yourself a beer. Just guessing, good review ChrisK

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