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RIP, Queen Elizabeth II


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My family left England well before the Treaty of the Union, but this American would like to pay respects to the Queen.


There are very few who remember a world without Queen Elizabeth II, and she stands out as being a largely unifying figure to my generation, whose reign spanned almost the entire Cold War and its post-period.  


I never met her, though I got to see her at the White House in 2007.  I was NCOIC (military jargon for lead supervisor) for setting up the South Lawn during her visit, and the following day I got to stand outside the fence while the Arrival ceremony took place.  A Uniformed Secret Service officer and I made small talk while we watched her enter the balcony, then it was over and my detail took down the ropes and stanchions and went home.


I'm no scholar of royalty or politics, but it seems that she was a master of knowing her place in both British and world affairs.  Rest in peace...

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