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Another winter storm???

Harold Wray

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It hasn't been bad enough I haven't been able to get out this year. I can't stand staying at home on a snow day. I will usually go help my grandpa with the truck. I don't think we will get much snow on this one. It is about 10 degrees and still sleeting. The sleet isn't too bad to drive on, the tires can still dig in and get traction.

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Hey Harold, although I relish adding another 18" to the OVER four feet of snow in my yard....the numb skulls from TWC mis predicted ANOTHER storm. Sure it's about 4 degrees out....but the sky is beautiful tonight! Now you know why new Englanders are not typically way too overweight. Too cold, you shiver the calories away. Then after that hot cocoa with whipped cream you go out for three hours and snow blow and shovel! Then in the summer hot and humid! But it's so short we can't stay in and enjoy the AC.

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Don't take your winter for granted. You guys enjoy your cold weather while we deal with the heat here. We hardly ever get any weather here and have needed to use the ac this winter often. This summer is going to be bad.

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Haha, you can take this crazy winter we have had. It's been pretty crazy here in Detroit we have broke all sorts of cold and snow records. It's going to be in the single digits again. I have heard in some places propane is over 4 bucks a pound which thank god I have natural gas which is way more reasonable with all the fracking going on.

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Don't take your winter for granted. You guys enjoy your cold weather while we deal with the heat here. We hardly ever get any weather here and have needed to use the ac this winter often. This summer is going to be bad.

OMG!!!!! Did I just get schooled from a guy who has to wear sunscreen all winter and run his AC?!!?!?!? Seriously?!?!?!?! My woodshop is 40!!!!!! Aaaarrrrghhhhh!!!!! Boo hoo Hoo Javier!!!!'hahahahahaa. It's six below right now as I warm up my car! There's so much snow on the road you literally have to roll the dice to see if you don't get t-boned pulling out of your freakin' driveway when you go to work!!!! If you were to take a leak outside right now your urine would freeze in mid air causing an uncomfortable situation! I saw Cold Miser huddling next to a garbage can Bon fire trying to stay warm. People are spooning their own dogs to stay warm! My God in Heaven Javier!!!!!dont get me on the average 14" snow storm we've been getting every week or two!!!! Frosty the snow man has been MIA for over three months. Some people think he ate himself to death! Alright, I'm done. I'm going to cry a little for you when I stand in front of an open fire so my tears to freeze my eyes shut.

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We got a foot in places up here in the highlands. Apparently I missed the shutting the crawl space vent hidden behind my AC unit, which caused the pipe right next to it that supplies the laundry room to freeze.

Which caused me to crawl my ass under the house, through the red clay mud, with a propane torch, to thaw the sons of bitches out.

What a shitty, miserable day. Luckily no breaks though.

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That's one thing that sucks to deal with is a crawl space. Well it depends some crawl spaces are better than others if they give you some decent room and some thing decent to crawl on its not too bad, but I will take a basement all day long :)

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Well...I'm in Florida. I have a sunburn and it was 85 outside while I was kayaking. I saw seven gators on the crystal river. Now there's going to be another nor Easter striking Thursday while I'm here. Hope my neighbor plows me out.

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Florida scares me and I live by Detroit so what does that tell you :) You just hear the craziest shit taking place in that state for some reason. I think its the manatees they have some sort of mind control experiment going on. I wish we had cool mamals like seals or manatees in the great lakes no we just get horrifying things like sea lamprey.

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