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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Kruton....coolest tool ever. Absolutely awesome machine. I've got five different bits for a variety of dimensions. They have the XL also but way too big for me right now but a small company, Seneca, came out with a mod for the XL that allows you to use the smaller bits giving it a huge range. But the XL as its name implies is freakin' huge. The big thing with the Domino is you really need some type of DC be it a Festool vac or whatever as it cuts through the wood leaving a lot of wood chips in the mortise as it cuts. This naturally needs to be sucked out as it cuts as it can slow and dull the blade.
  2. Hey Nicholas, has right now is about $2.30ish and Diesel is running about $2.50ish in my area.
  3. Jason. Did you end up buying it straight out or doing the plan so it'll get assumed by your new carrier?
  4. Thanks guys! Today I didn't do too much but I used my Domino to make a couple of quick ha gets for a few small hand measuring things. It took a piece of warped wood that was used to ship my Festool 106" track that came in the other day. After spending some time chopping the wood to roughly equal lengths and thickness, I used my Kapex to cut a dado into five inch length that I is going to secure the blade of one of my Woodpecker squares. Tomorrow I'll paint the hangers.
  5. I gotcha that makes sense. Are you going to go with more storage?
  6. Jason just curious are you going to buy the 6s? I'm probably keeping my 6+. I really cannot imagine a new phone when this one is so freakin' awesome. I shoot my videos on it, watch movies you name it! Plus the higher cavity storage is a real bonus.
  7. Cummins Engine Sorry Kruton, couldn't figure a noun for swap
  8. Funny that Jason. I got the email from Verizon and then apple and saw the storage.....$749 for SIXTEEN GIGS!!!!!! Now I know I ain't that big of a crack head so......my Wife wants me to get this one and I think I'll keep my 6+. Perfect size and super fast and the camera is nice. Plus 64gb.
  9. Well I glad your here Chris. We've got a really great crew with some awesome members. A lot of experience and from personal experience, this forum works well. No clicks, everybody gets along really well.
  10. ChrisK

    Any NEW tools

    nice deal Logan! Awesome saw too. I think Regopit was using this one or still is.
  11. Welcome aboard Chris! Glad to have you here and if your related to the big balloo you've got the be alright!
  12. Yeah Jason.....that when I though about going back was when they started pushing the USA made Motorola. I've been using Motorola products for the better side of 27 years. Most of their stuff is made in China though. Still good quality and when it comes to brass tax, I've placed my life in their hands and they have never failed me. I switched to iOS from android and just prior to the release of the 6+ I was just about to switch back because I couldn't stand the stupid phone sizes but I really like iOS and the security features it provides because of their control of their whole system. I never used a Mac before but it's really like using my iPad. Amazing how everything works together cohesively as opposed to Windows. My work laptop and desk station run different systems, drives me freakin nuts! Still though, Android is a great platform and I ALMOST went back.
  13. Comp....I am empowering this poor lad to make the big decisions. Geeeesez! I bet you don't watch beer commercials!!!
  14. Sorry guys. All Apple. I have the 6plus with 64gig and I'm writing on this on my Air. I do pay a buck a month for additional storage but with the Mac I bought my Wife, it has a Terabyte. I love my Apples but......Android is totally awesome. Completely user friendly and customizable. I'm an Apple fan just like I'm a Festool Snob but I still gots me some Dewalts and Bosch', Makitas and Milwaukees that I love! So I can appreciate Android for what it is. Plus I made the switch over about three years ago. Love the free texting and FaceTime.
  15. Thanks Pete! Absolute blast, though truthfully this was in a sandpit we stumbled across. After 30 minutes going up and down huge hills I was about to blow chunks. I'm giving the thumbs up but I though I was gonna hurl Awesome trail ride and representing my boys though!
  16. It's funny, I remember last year ish when Makita came out with their crazy honking Torque spitting hammer drill that was brushed. Now?? Your dead on Daryn.
  17. Ahahaha I just saw that post guys. Yeah she can use the good stuff. Here's some pics of the mess.....
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