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Everything posted by Nordraw

  1. Nordraw


    I love Kershaw, both Clayton and the knives. That is a cool looking knife Hilti
  2. Yeah and with the air bags inside you could drop it off a building and it would be fine.
  3. Everything is easy when you know how to do it. The opposite is unfortunately true also. Removing your old one and putting in a new one can be a major pain. Your money situation will dictate. If you can afford it I would let someone that is experienced do it. That's just the way I would do it.
  4. When they get dirty I just buy new ones.............That's a joke wish it wasn't but it was...........
  5. Nordraw

    Big thanks

    You will look good in that shirt no doubt. Nice job
  6. Got my "booty" from Milwaukee yesterday. Thanks again to Dan and Eric and Milwaukee for this. TIA too.
  7. Being old beats the hell out of the alternative
  8. Now that was some thinking outside of the box
  9. Just an add on to this. I now do not see any pop ups and all seems to be well.
  10. Those things are nice I used to have one until one time I forgot I had it and had to give it up at the airport. Either miss my flight or turn it in. Good bye leather man. Damn those terrorists.
  11. Looks like that guy is ready to go to Walmart now.
  12. Nice looking tool storage you have there Kato.
  13. Ebay is where I get most of the ones that I have. Just do a search for tool stickers and you will find most what you need.
  14. Nordraw

    Shop ideas

    Those are all good ideas. I am thinking about hanging my "Jet" air cleaner and that would be a good way to do it.
  15. That's in the next "Ultimate tool bag" thanks Dan and Eric
  16. I think I dated that girl once.
  17. You lucky dog. That is the one piece of equipment that I don't have and want to get. You will love that.
  18. Nice job with the youtube thing. I checked it out earlier.
  19. I have scanned my computer several times and cleared the cache as one person suggested and I still get a pop up on my "Norton" anti virus software every time that it blocked something "mass injection website 19" I can only access this site by going through google or Bing and typing tools in action forum. Still get the pop ups though. So it seems like this is not fixed.
  20. Category: Intrusion Prevention Date & Time,Risk,Activity,Status,Recommended Action,IPS Alert Name,Default Action,Action Taken,Attacking Computer,Attacker URL,Destination Address,Source Address,Traffic Description 1/18/2016 2:43:46 PM,High,An intrusion attempt by www.professional-power-tool-guide.com was blocked.,Blocked,No Action Required,Web Attack: Mass Injection Website 19,No Action Required,No Action Required,"www.professional-power-tool-guide.com (, 80)",professional-power-tool-guide.com/power-tool-forum/public/style_extra/sharelinks/Facebook.png,"RCW (, 54880)",www.professional-power-tool-guide.com (,"TCP, www-http" Network traffic from <b>professional-power-tool-guide.com/power-tool-forum/public/style_extra/sharelinks/Facebook.png</b> matches the signature of a known attack. The attack was resulted from \DEVICE\HARDDISKVOLUME2\USERS\USER\APPDATA\LOCAL\GOOGLE\CHROME\APPLICATION\CHROME.EXE. To stop being notified for this type of traffic, in the <b>Actions</b> panel, click <b>Stop Notifying Me</b>.
  21. eb Attack: Mass Injection Website 19 Severity: High Anyone else getting this when they log on to "toosinaction" website? This attack could pose a serious security threat. You should take immediate action to stop any damage or prevent further damage from happening. DescriptionThis signature detects hidden scripts injected in compromised websites, which upon visiting redirects the user to exploit kit hosted sites. Additional InformationThis is a detection for compromised websites with the injected script code. This is an attack where a malicious javascript is injected in large number of clean websites. Once compromised, it aims to use the websites to redirect its visitors to a Multiple Exploit Kit landing page without being aware of it. AffectedVarious WordPress sites
  22. Wow, I had that same ticket.
  23. Yeah I have always thought that identity thieves should be thrown under the jail. They get off way too easy when they do get caught.
  24. Glad to hear that since I just bought their Trimmer last week on sale at Home Depot.
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