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Everything posted by Nordraw

  1. DeWalt is great with customer service and I'm betting they will send you a new one if it broke.
  2. Good old Block buster, I spent a lot of money at that place over the years.
  3. I have a small Jet that does all of that for about 299. It has worked very well so far.
  4. Nordraw

    Taxes anyone?

    You know we are just average everyday people. We sold a house that was used as a business for the last 18 years because we are retiring. Since it's not our main residence it's subject to capitol gains. Just got the news from our accountant and the first thing he said is "Are you sitting down" never a good thing to hear. Our bill , what we have to write a check to the IRS for is 51,000 dollars! What! So when I hear that Trump hasn't paid any taxes for the last 15 years it is a big deal. It's a joke. A bad joke. Not to mention not right. Oh well, I guess things could be worse.
  5. Great, I should get it next week. Thanks "Tool Barn"
  6. Pulled the trigger on this yesterday. Had enough with the loud compressor that I had.
  7. Well, Stanley, you've done it again..........
  8. Anybody heard of a dead bolt type of lock that has a door knob on the outside and the typical dead bolt turn on the inside? We had a security steel screen door installed and they screwed up and did an inside mount and now we can't find a door knob that won't hit the entry door when you close the security door. Major screw up by this company. They ended up taking 400 bucks off the price and just putting two dead bolts on the door for now. There is about 2.4 inches of clearance between the doors and can't find a set up that will work so far.
  9. You know what they say..............he who dies with the most tools wins
  10. Yeah, finding a great deal at any of the big box stores takes a little luck and time spent combing through the stores while in the area. I have gotten some good deals over the years doing just that more often though I leave with nothing. Won't buy if something is not on sale. No point you can get that price anytime.
  11. That's a novel way to use an old table saw
  12. Wish I had all the money back for tools that I bought and thought they looked cool but never really used them. It's a curse.
  13. Came close even with the glasses. Scary
  14. "Flat white" with an add shot and one splenda. Starbucks of course.
  15. That looks like a fun project that would be very cool when it's all said and done. Nice job.
  16. Mostly so you can post pictures of them on the forum and make people cry
  17. Wow, I didn't know this guy was a vet. Just watch his "Demo Ranch" stuff.
  18. Welcome dude. You should enjoy it around here.
  19. Did you call the company line and see what they would do for you? That's the first call you should make,
  20. Is that homemade dough too? How do you make it, unless it's a family secret of course
  21. Nordraw

    Home Depot

    Yeah, I recently saw a corded staple gun that was regular 29 bucks on sale for 7 dollars. Couldn't pass it up for some reason even though I have two good quality staple guns that are free of power cords. Oh well it was only 7 bucks.
  22. Wow, nice looking old drill press. Where did you get that?
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