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Everything posted by Nordraw

  1. Interesting for someone with space issues and is just looking for a convenient little work space. a 300 bucks it is not too bad.
  2. This is my final haul for this years "Black Friday" or as Trump wants to call it "White Friday" Lowe's, Home Depot and Big 5 all pitched in for this. Had to get another knife to throw in the tool chest and never see again")
  3. Wait a minute, let me get this straight, You stayed of the site for that? Come on now dude, Get serious
  4. That sucks bad. Wish nothing but the best for him
  5. Picked up that 20 dollars laser measure from Lowes. Works really good for the money.
  6. Nice pick up dude. How much does that weigh?
  7. I get about 80 or so both upload and download. It good enough for what I need it for.
  8. Nice to have the foam inserts
  9. Best storage boxes got the garage would be a nice one to have. Best laser levels and measuring tools.
  10. Can't go wrong with the Husky boxes that is something that they do well and always have. The black finish is very nice and I wish I had room for another box but no dice.
  11. I haven't changed my own oil in about 10 years. It's just such a hassle to dispose of the oil. It is a shameful waste of money to pay someone else to do your oil. Such an easy job. Any then you know it is done right. Oh well.
  12. That is for sure. This is the most frightening time in my life that is for sure. Vote!
  13. Nordraw


    Shut out four times in the play offs this year. That would have to be a record for the team that wins the World Series. Seems like if they score they win. In the same boat as they were against the Dodgers so it's just a matter of winning game 4. Win it and the series is theirs, lose and it could be a long off season.
  14. Guys like that are why a douche like Trump has any chance to be president. That sucks man.
  15. That's what spell check is for right?
  16. I'll check in with calling them "allen wrenches"
  17. What do you do about dust and noise that might disturb the neighbors? I have lived in a lot of apartments in my day and I feel your pain dude.
  18. Glad to see you are making your own. That is a high price for what looks like a simple build. Go for it.
  19. Never know what is really going on behind the scene in the world of business. It is the same tool re branded.
  20. Nordraw

    junk tools

    Looks like those had some rough use. But should have lasted longer than they did.
  21. Glad to hear they fixed this issue. Mine is the 12 inch and is a problem. Not enough to dump it and buy a new one though.
  22. Hard to believe it would make that much of a difference but who knows.
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