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Weekend Landscaping Job at the El Kelby Ranchero


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Borrowed my Fiancés parents Husq root tiller, 10 barrels of Horse manure compost and four yards of loam and BLAMO! Samantha and I have a new garden in the works plus two raised bed gardens, I built (one Cedar, one untreated pine), a new herb garden, three new trees and four berry bushes! My backs killing me. Now on to building a pergola!

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Yeah my back is killing me right now. I'll be putting down some mulch I a week once the plants have settled in. Next problem....City. Want to build a pocket fence so I have to find out about getting a variance. Also I have to build my pergolas. I'm probably going to do treated umber because of our weather and price and availability. But you dead on DR, I love landscape projects. You could have a shack for a house but a nice yard will make it look like a castle. The New England garden we did is part one of two. The second one will go in next spring and flow out from the end of the first garden and wrap partially to my front yard.

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I'm so bummed that my front lawn is looking kind of rough at the moment. It should bounce back with some heat and rain to get things going. The next 2 big things that I need to finish is my Koi pond and potato box planters.

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Nice work Chris!! I have a bunch of work I need to get done in the back yard this coming weekend to get ready for my daughters 4th birthday party. I'll hopefully have more than a half a day off this weekend. Nice to see others landscape work kind of inspiring really.


BTW that truck of yours is looking good. I'm liking that blue. 

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Thanks Mustang  The Tools In Action sticker accomadates the color really well.  Maybe thats why I bought it????  I worked on three decent interior projects in my home this winter nothing huge but decent in size.  This is really my first landscape project ever and Samantha and I painted the plan on the lawn, hit the local green house and really tried planning out this garden. It is a New England garden based on several old Revolutionary War era homes in the area and is part one of two.  This one is not quite done, I have to buy a couple of yards of dark mulch and we have several more flowers going in, in addition to the vegetable gardens on the back side of my house and herbal garden in the front where I tore down a roto (beats the heck outta me how to spell it) dengren tree. Next year I will continue the garden in the same curving manner along the side of the house and to the front.  There will be a couple of small structures too.  Wicked stoked about the project though!  This was really fun to work on especially after the unbelievable winter and snow accumulations we had this year. Have fun with your daughters birthday! 

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Nice job Chris the place is looking good. If it was not for my up coming surgery I would be half tempted to drive up to New Hampshire and give you a hand on the pergola. My wife loves it up north. 

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