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a little different project..


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Hey everyone, first time post here. heres my project I have been working on slowly for the last few months. its nearly done.. Body is made from mahogany, and maple. I did all the work to it myself, aside from the neck. that I did buy.. Hope you enjoy it. Cheers!

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Wow, that's pretty awesome!! I wouldn't even know where to start building something like that. A guy that is a host on my local radio show likes to restore old guitars they are always teasing him about it on the show.

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No I have not. I haven't even heard of them to be honest. I will have to look into them! most of those parts on that guitar came from a donor guitar which the neck came from, or parts that I already had left over from upgrades. The tail piece came from Warmoth

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I wired just the one pickup straight to the jack just because I couldn't wait to play it, which is why it's taking so long to completely finish it.

To be honest I think it sounds pretty killer. The electronics in it are very cheap but it sustains for days. I plan to upgrade the pickups and I think it'll make a great improvement.

Sure I sound biased, but it truly am impressed by the sound. Especially for my first guitar build

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