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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. I am thinking that is why politics are not allowed on the forums. Very touchy subject matter.
  2. Those are beautiful keepsakes Comp. thanks for sharing dude!
  3. Well you can bet my Irish hiney that Guiness is American
  4. Dude, feel free to email me. You you just bashed this forum in this post. You bashed another member in another post. Your self deprecating "oh go ahead and ban me" bs attitude from your last post can go elsewhere. For some reason your still allowed to stand on your soapbox without anyone freezing your account. So, if you want to start another forum...please do so. I'm sure you can come up with a place where everyone gets along. In the interim, please feel free to email me, Eric, Dan. DR99 or Regopit.
  5. It's an open door dude. Feel free to leave.
  6. You guys have been getting hosed in NY longer than I can remember. A year and a half for a permit? In NH it's five days. Period.
  7. Hehehehehe yeah dude. I hear you. Buy while you can boys!
  8. Well being a lefty it is nice for me when cutting away but I'm so used to the blades being on the left side and not being able to see them. My new HKC is lined up just right for this dude though
  9. I'm with you Jason. The guy walked it into your car. I know you just bought that car, it's scratch free and somebody who wasn't paying attention bashed a line of carts into your car. You have every right to be pissed off. I would have flipped my lid. I work hard. I get paid for my job. I pay my bills. I get a new vehicle. It's mine. I've earned it. The problem with society today is people do stupid crap and don't get held accountable for what they do. Clearly the kid was not out joy riding a line of carts and singing "its remaining men" when he steered this multi cart train wreck waiting to happen into your new Chevrolet but, his poor judgement caused this incident. It sounds like Wally World is willing to make everything right? If not, coming from experience, you are right, a simple gouge in a car costs cash. Body shops do awesome work but it's got to be paid for and why on Earth should you pay for it? Completely agree dude. Also don't split, it's a full time job. It's good to come on the forum and vent. Thats what we are here for. Guys that react like that via the post by name calling? Making it sound like you're a douche? Well.....everybody is entitled to an opinion. Even if they don't know what they're talking about. But maybe be a little more civil about it? Maybe? Use the personal messenger? Maybe? Word it a little more.......hmmmmmm......what is the phrase I am looking for????? Intelligently? This is a great forum but sometimes....people get a little ahead of themselves. I don't know. Just the ramblings of a guy, sitting on a toilet, having not had his first cup of coffee.
  10. On a side note. Before this posting gets out of hand which hopefully it won't... Please remember the site rules. They are limited and very simple to follow.
  11. Well dude, I am really sorry to read about this. Personally, after many years of public service...my problems with guns being wielded by angry crazy lunatic people that have the right to carry has been limited. Unfortunately the ones that should not have them? Well that's been a problem. I am a big believer in our second amendment rights. A big believer. The irony is not lost on me when I say I personally do not own any firearms.
  12. As long as the post doesn't turn into a political post it won't get pulled. Political posts are directly against the rules. On behalf of the guys who do moderate this post, on our own time, unpaid and after having been members for several years, we don't just pull posts unless there is a basis for it. It ain't easy on us because we don't look for problems and we are active members. Problems just seem to pop up when somebody acts like a moron. Then we, the moderators. Have to take a post down. Normally this follows a general concensus from the moderators or Eric and Dan. Then I could to put my name on the debacle and lock the post down. It ain't fun but like my day job, I can't fix stupid. People do something and I have to fix it. Sorry for the soap box but when people say a thread won't last long, it ain't easy on us to make the decision. I have had my fair share of crap after some moron has posted something and I have had to take an action. For instance........ California is a Moron. If I could, I would delete their actions.
  13. Hey guys, I know it's the night of but Happy Independence Day! It's a big deal here in the United States and I hope you all have a safe and wonderful holiday. Be careful out there and for those in the service or who have served, thank you. God Bless America!!!
  14. Hey Regopit, obviously not me but remember if your combined GVWR is 10001 and you are in business, you have to get a med card, markings blah blah blah..... i talked my brothers boss out of getting him a 14000 GVWR box truck so my brother didn't have to get stopped by DOT. They go by combined GVWR too if your in business.
  15. That's why at 45 I still have a clean shaven chest
  16. The IDH182 and the MXH181 brushless tool. Some 2.0 and a 4.9 wireless pack and three wireless chargers!
  17. It may have been because I was hot to trot for the Metabo 10.8v line and was super bummed about the charger issue. I'd like to see Hilti start picking up the slack in their 12v lineup. The very short time I had those tools, I was really impressed. Truth be told though, I am thinking about clearing out my last two 18v Bosch tools and the three wireless chargers and stuff to make way for an expansion of my Dewalt tools. I am keeping my Bosch 12s though. I only have the brushless screwdriver, the vac and the FL12 plus a couple of jackets but I love the 12v lineup. Super great tools. The only reason I am going the other way with my 18s? My Dewalts are growing.
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