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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Dammit. Festool Green!!!!!! Dammit dammit dammit
  2. Guys, Tools in Action is privately owned. Nothing suspicious there. That means that if the prerogative of TiA is to moderate a member, ban said member, etc that is always at the discretion of TiA. The rules of the day lie with TiA. There is no TiA Constitution. There is no TiA Congress. It's a private forum. It was eluded to by the unsaid member that this forum is a dictatorship.....well.....yeah. It's a private forum. Although....now that I think on it....TiA is not a form of government and you guys don't have to pay taxes, we don't own any tanks, so......? I guess it really is not. The topic and member in question, needed moderation. Period. As far as behind the scene witchcraft, personal agendas, some world wide conspiracy or whatever, the unsaid former member forced his hand. AGAIN. Let me repeat. AGAIN. This time there was a consequence, but only after he lost his temper. AGAIN. Also to clear the air, that same person chose to go on a huge rant, blasted TiA, made all sorts of crazy statements and then ordered that his profile be deleted to one of the owners. This all happened while we, the moderators, tried to figure out what was going on to cause the huge drama that unfolded. The only action taken was to lock and delete the posting, freeze the unsaid members account with a warning and then talk to the members involved. Then and only then, would a decision be made. This forum is designed for all of us guys and gals to talk about tools, shop talk etc. Blow steam off. Not go on tirades about perceived problems, regardless of the validity. If there is a problem, use the personal messenger. If a member is having a problem with another one, and yes we unfortunately do get the occasional problem, and the pm doesn't work, let a moderator know (believe it or not....we don't use overly aggressive moderation) so we can try to clear things up. If you get ticked off at someone, please. Please. Please don't name call. Don't be mean, don't be disrespectful. Don't make rude comments about somebody's family. Just follow the aforementioned steps. Also, please remember this.... TiA has regular giveaways to members of the forum. This is free to members. There are no dues. This is free. The price of a true, aggressively overly moderated, dictatorship-like forum. It's really quite evil. When something like this happens it is really sad, it is hard on the members, and it is hard on the staff (especially the guys that have been on the forum for a long time and get to know the members). Also, the member in question was well liked. Even by the staff( this one included). I understand and this is a bit of a shock for everyone. But put it in perspective....the moderators here, the owners too, have gotten dozens of emails. Mostly from the same people. This is getting old to say the least. The unsaid member is a good guy. I personally will miss his posts. And yes, it's weird seeing him referenced but his profile is now gone. But.....tomorrow is Sunday. Then the next day is Monday.....and guess what? We've got some great members. I like those guys too. So let's try to get past this, concentrate on the good things and God willing we won't ever have another issue like this again. So.....? How about them new Dewalt tools? I think yellow is way better than red.
  3. No, it's kind of weird to describe but essentially a tall wall hanging cabinet located directly over my furnace's heat exchange. This will hang between two decorative door thresholds and the legs, though solid are for decoration only. They will appear to lift the cabinet allowing a clearing for the exchange. I'm not sure if that makes sense but when I hang it it'll kind of make sense (in my head anyways)!
  4. Thanks Jimbo, they are off to my jointer next. Going to smooth up the blocks and attach them to the stretcher if I decide I like it!
  5. Well????? I'm thinking about picking one up!
  6. Why thank you sir! Believe it or not my wife got it for me!
  7. Thanks a lot Rees, I really appreciate that
  8. I have N---E---V---E---R been told that before, boys....you all have to get your heads examined
  9. Just came up from the shop. Finished turning the spindles, block planed the squares now I've got to carve out the corners. Might add a rounded cross piece.
  10. Seriously?!?!?!?! When the heck did that come out? I know Makita has one and it is well thought of but I'd love to see big yellows version of the biscuit jointer!
  11. Well, I rough turned the legs. They need to be finished then I'll mortise in some rails and attach to the bottom. The new hinges should be in Monday so definitely making some progress!
  12. I don't think it's over aggressive moderation. But then again, I might be a little biased As far as ghost members, yeah, it's a little odd.
  13. Sorry Ted, no idea but here's the e replacement parts break down.... http://www.ereplacementparts.com/milwaukee-538021-ser-b01a-hammer-drill-parts-c-131_14946_6001.html
  14. Are they expensive Turner? They look gorgeous. When I was visiting my parent in Florida, a lot of the houses have the red tile roof shakes but my dad was saying they aren't too practice as they are hugely expensive and break easily. Those tiles look awesome.
  15. @kruton Dude! You have got to shoot a video of this one at work!
  16. Here she is in her new home....
  17. Nice compressor dude! I think Eric and Dan did the video on that one a while back! I've got the Rolair JC10 and she too, like yours is a real beauty!
  18. I haven't seen much with that line but since Hilti introduced their 12v line it looks like the compact 12v line might be in For some major changes!
  19. Nice find Jimbo! I actually had that set a while back. It's pretty decent but the line kind of floundered. The impactor was great. Can't wait to see how the new 12v line goes, they're already introducing brushless ones!
  20. Awesome work Jimbo, that'd be awesome for my wife in Stampin' Up. Great idea dude, thanks!
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