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Everything posted by regopit

  1. Home inspectors can only do so much, but they gloss over a lot. This house had about 3in of insulation in the attic, they painted the furnace trying to make it look new, leaking duct work over loaded breaker box, foundation issues under sized beam the list goes on. It sucks for the owners. They are 25/26 first home and they have a house full of problems to deal with. Lets face it if home inspectors did their job the way it should be done they would catch so much grief from the Realtor they would never get any call backs. I know a lot of the inspectors work hand and hand with the with the Realtor and to me the is a big problem.
  2. I got a call the other day from a couple that had bought their home about a year ago and was starting to have some issues. I pull up to the home and I can tell that it is older home probable about 50 years old, but right from the first look, I tell that this was a flip house. The house looked great from a distance new vinyl siding and replacement widows it was all contractor grade but nice looking. Once inside I could tell everything was done fast cheap and to make it look good. One of the biggest things I pointed out to them was the undersized beam that was put in when they removed the load-bearing wall to open the place up. The point of the story is that they thought that they could go after the home inspector for the repairs. I told them that I hated to be the bearer of more bad news but the only thing you can get back is the cost of the inspection. If you read your contract with the inspector you will find that in the small print that the home inspector in not Liable for anything in excess of their home inspection fee. Now they can try and they will get their $350.00 back and spend a lot more going to court to lose or come up the 18 to 20 grand to fix everything or slap some lipstick on this pig and screw the next buyer.
  3. I have the DeWalt DCK211S2 Drill Driver / Impact Driver. I have used the heck out of these tools. I like the grip I'm not a fan of the fat grip 12 volts.
  4. Sorry I'm late to the party, Welcome to the forum. Chris he really is not your type. He did not say or even mention Festool not even once.
  5. Welcome to the forum
  6. My question is why now it is a little late in the game. IR one of the biggest air tool makers is moving into 18V. You would think that DeWalt would try to improve the line of 20V
  7. OK let me weight in here on my feelings about education and the trades. I graduated from high school in 1976 jumped in a VW bus with my girlfriend and two friends and took off two see the country. We drove from state to state; picking up whatever jobs we could to put gas in the bus, food on the table and a place to sleep (I think you would be hard pressed to do something like that these days). Married my girlfriend in Las Vegas at the tender age of 18 and learned a lot about people and life. Therefore, after living like Gypsy’s for a year I came back home with a wife and about 50 bucks in my pocket and no job. I figured I would go work for my Dad and uncles but they did not have enough work to hire me and keep everyone else they had working. I was lucky to get a job with the local utility working in gas construction digging ditches. Home construction started to pick up so I would work for my dad whenever I could. The Skill set that I've learned over my life are irreplaceable. Working for the family, I learned all phases of home building and remolding and took over the business after they retired. Working for the utility, I started out digging ditches, pipe fitting, running heavy equipment, welding, welding on live gas main, and retired after 35 years as a crew leader. I have paid off $300,000 in medical bills that came in after my first wife passed away and the medical insurance ran out (There goes that beach house always wanted) and it only took me 15 years but I did it. Put my daughter through college bought vehicles, pay my mortgage, and do just about anything I what to do. All of this on a 12th grade education. Was it easy? Hell no but I took responsibility for my family and myself and worked my ass off and to make it happen but if the bottom fell out tomorrow I could get a job in the trades doing something. Let’s face it not everyone is cut out for college and not everyone is cut out for the trades but college is not a guarantee to a good job making big money. I feel lucky that the three kids that went to college are all working in the field they went to school for and are making a living. Pick what you want to do, learn it and be the best at it that's all you really can ask for.
  8. Back in the early days before the internet was the big thing I would go to different bulletin boards. Every time I would try to sign on every name I would try to use would be taken. Therefore, I had to come up with a unique name. When I worked for the utility, we had a pit that had about 6 different pipe runs going through it and each run had a valve to control the flow. The valves where made by a company called REGO so we called it the regopit. Therefore, every time I would sign up I would get right in on the first try so I stuck with that name. Now you’re sorry you asked
  9. I would have to say this is the oldest set of tools that I own. They were given to me by our neighbor. He had a small machine shop in his garage and I would hang out and watch him work on things, I was about 6 I just love to watch him work. I remember asking him one day why he and his wife had those numbers tattooed on their arm. His answer was when I lived in Poland then gave it to us so we could remember where they lived. I was about 9 when I found out what those numbers where all about. He passed away when I was about 10 and in those 4 years, he showed me many things. I use these a lot to layout and to scribe.
  10. It is built in, you can buy the rails and they come with the cart
  11. https://www.youtube.com/user/GuysWoodshop
  12. Rant on brother.People need to here the truth.
  13. Mike Rowe is a great guy. I have seen and talked to him, his parents live about 15 minutes from my house. He grew up in a blue-collar neighborhood. Most of the people worked for Bethlehem Steel mill, the GM plant, Baltimore Gas and Electric, GE and Westinghouse. Most of these places are gone now and most of the people have move on too other jobs. Therefore, when he speaks about the trades he’s not just blowing smoke. Thanks for the post Red. Mustang347 I feel your pain. My wife works at one of the local collages. After a few heated discussions at parties, she tells me that it is best that I stay home. I guess you cannot call the Dean of the, I forget what department a FUCKIN BUFFOON!
  14. What a bunch of lucky dogs.
  15. I've been every day without fail and haven't won a dam thing. It really doesn't surprise me with my luck. It could be raining Vagina's I would be slapped in the face with the only Dick.
  16. Have you had a chance to pick up the unit I dropped off. If so how is it working out for you.
  17. http://www.cpooutlets.com/reconditioned/reconditioned,default,sc.html?src=savereconsneekpeak&ref=em20140422
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