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Justin Hernandez

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Everything posted by Justin Hernandez

  1. I see a lot of powder coat peel off here, and people paint the missing spots but it just keeps peeling until there's nothing left
  2. Electricity and rain is a shocking combination, it literally rains none stop here
  3. That's awesome, with my luck they would have sent me a screwdriver from a different brand..lol
  4. I need a 7 footer for jumping into attic access holes and putting up ceiling fans
  5. That DeWalt truck accessory is nice I would drive with the lights on all the time, but at almost $500 is a little much
  6. Its almost the same size, people shouldn't worry about a few centimeters if its an inch difference than I can see
  7. Thats a good point but table saws are so loud if you use one in a small room everyone will be deaf, so most use them outside. The dust would always be there even if they had something to collect it just look at Miter saws there always messy even with a vacuum.
  8. Haha, yea I forgot things like crazy no worries, you probably did it in one battery
  9. Florida, if you have more than 30 minutes of work to do outside forget it don't even try, the rain is so bad
  10. Hopefully your new boss and the new guys are good people
  11. Every manufacture needs to make boots, I do one job in the attic and my new tool is trashed
  12. Putting the sun to good use, ever time I look back on a job I wish I did some things differently. Started some stuff around the house today and got rained out it was only about 90 today so that was a plus. I hate our rainy season can't get anything done can't even go to work :/
  13. Its a nice drill and good job on the deck. You said you put in 350 screws with two 6ah batteries that doesn't sound like a lot with such a big battery and being brushless.
  14. The Ridgid tube tool box thingy is very odd looking
  15. I still don't know if your a DeWalt fan, better go buy more tools so I can figure it out
  16. We all want the biggest and most powerful drill on the market just because were guys bigger is always better its how we think. Brushless tools are always going to be more money then brushed tools naturally right? But is BL better? Yea duh, is that even a question longer run times more power, faster and my tool is BL and you'res is not "loser". Are you willing to pay more for a tool that might not last as long as maybe a brushed tool? BL tools are full of electronics and we all know technology is great but not very reliable, think about how many times your internet went down. My cable went out the day of the Superbowl how freaking convenient the day I needed it the most. Let's say your BL tool stopped working right after the warranty what would you do? Most likely you will run out and by another one right? Its just how things are nowadays just throw the TV out and buy another one. Brushed tools have been around forever the first power tools invented had them. I have only known about BL tools for about two years now and first thought was OMG that sounds awesome I want one. As technology changes so does the way we do things but is it any better? The most common problem with brushed tools is of course the bushes themselves but they can be changed in the field for a few bucks. These tools also come with a much better price tag than BL tools and my also last longer as well. Every time we buy something with our hard earned money we want it to last as long as possible. The problem with today's manufacturers and economy is that everything is being made as cheap as possible and there goal is to make a product that will outlast the warranty period and that is it. I do believe that the manufacture presses a button everyday at the factory killing tools that warranty just expired the day before. A BL tool may be repairable but if the parts cost more than the tool whats the point in fixing it. So are BL tools needed? Buildings have been built with and without BL tools with no problem. So should we stay with the proven technology or go with the new kids on the block?? Lets have a healthy debate on why you are using your current tools and what you think is better. I'm looking forward to hear what you have to say and your experiences. Thanks for reading Oh my god I think the poo just hit the fan
  17. I'm having a hard time finding just one box
  18. That's a cute kid, I hope to have kids one day. "ONE DAY"..lol
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