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Everything posted by BMack37

  1. Speaking of giveaways, I noticed your post on Stewart's site for the giveaway, I didn't need them so I donated my entry to you. Don't know if he'd let me ship direct to you so if I win I may need your address.
  2. I have the ratchet, it's smaller than I bet you think it is...absolutely a fantastic little ratchet though. Here's a pic:
  3. I've never bought into the stupid stocking stuffers tools from Sears, why? ...because you can try them in the store, you see how crappy it is and gtfo out there. Lowe's gets me sometimes, I buy it because of the discount price after black friday. Open them, see how crappy it is and return it.
  4. Thanks! Don't forget Kruton, he's a great forum member! Congrats to all the winners. I've seen reviews of these pliers and they're REALLY nice, this is literally the only thing from Klein on my Amazon watchlist! Pic for proof! I think Dan and Eric might be bugging our wish lists :
  5. Cuban sandwich, no pickles.
  6. I think NERemodeling won one too
  7. My dog hates squirrels with a passion but he's been going blind so he's not quite the squirrel hunter he once was.
  8. Miller, I'd recommend uploading it to imgur and then posting that link. The good thing about imgur (besides that it's free) is that it takes away any location data left in the picture. Most phones default setting is to add location data to your photo so you can search by location(called geotags). The problem with that is that others can see the GPS coordinates when you upload the photo, Adam Savage(from mythbusters) had pictures(google street view) of his home posted online after he uploaded a picture. When posting pictures of your shop, tool collection, things worth a lot of money....I feel it's a bad idea to give out your location to the tech savvy. It will most likely never be an issue but you wouldn't post your address in the open forum right? Long story short, use imgur; It's free, it protects you, you can easily find pics you've posted and it's easy to share pictures.
  9. Congrats guys, it's nice to hear some familiar names!
  10. Tell me about it, between the Amazon deals and some reward points I've bought 10 pairs of Knipex pliers in the past two months. Thinking about making it 11.
  11. Awesome pics, thanks for sharing Mike! Really love the signage, the Sinclair sign and that Chevy truck sign are realy beauties!
  12. Like Jimbo said, the 3/8" is on one side. The 1/4" is on top of the 1/2", permanently, nothing collapses. It's not a good ratchet, stay away. It's not made very well, the switch sucks, the head is massive and the space it takes up to use is just ridiculous. There's a reason they have a set that comes in a box with sockets/3-in-1 ratchet that is about the same cost as the stand-alone ratchet(actually I think it's cheaper).
  13. I'd wear a baseball hat but it has to be fitted or stretch, hate trucker style hats with the big hole in the back. I normally wear one when I'm working on my car or generally working outside.
  14. Glad to see you guys finally get your pliers in! Here's another out of stock but free shipping when it's in stock: Xcelite SN54 Long Nose Side Cutting Pliers with Green Cushion Grip, 5" Length, 1-3/16" Jaw Length for $11. Cheapest on eBay is $30..but there are two auctions with two pliers for $30. COO = USA Amazon deal: http://www.amazon.com/Xcelite-SN54-Cutting-Pliers-Cushion/dp/B004UNFSZ0/ref=sr_1_18?s=power-hand-tools&srs=9306520011&ie=UTF8&qid=1450342479&sr=1-18&refinements=p_36%3A300-1600 eBay search results: http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&_nkw=Xcelite+SN54&_sop=15
  15. Dishwashing gloves, jk Women love when you put thought into their gifts. Women tend to hint at things they want, anything she's been looking at online or when you guys go to stores? Like if you want a drill, when you go into Home Depot you play with the drills right? Women do that too. Just make sure it's something for pleasure, not chores or something she "needs." Maybe a nice night out to go to a play or something. I once had a gf try to get me to go to a pottery class, you'd probably have to recreate the scene in "Ghost" but she might enjoy it...might be opening a can of worms though.
  16. ...Not to mention that amount of periscope-ing Dan has been doing.
  17. Even on sale! Use "Gift20" for an extra 20% off. http://www.mechanix.com/sale
  18. Probably just an old person hit it and didn't notice then drove off. If you were in a few other cities I'd say it was probably someone on meth or a day-drunk driver. Some accidents have no good reasonable explainations...I saw one about three months ago where they have to jump a foot-high curb, drive over a 8 foot sidewalk and through a chainlink fence. My friend's old apartment used to have about an accident a month into his gate/surrounding trees because people would be going too fast around a corner, go off into the grass about 20 feet and hit the tree or gate. Witnessed a couple of those myself. One guy drove off leaving a bunch of fluid, his front bumper, headlight, freaking wheel and somehow a front brake caliber behind. Gigantic groove left in the going down the road by the rotor. He had to have hit the tree going at least 50mph, one of the loudest sounds I think I've ever heard. His apartment was the closest to the road, so it happened less than 100 feet from us. The tree won that fight.
  19. Yeah, I wouldn't go crazy on buying for specs. You can find some good deals on Amazon Warehouse. I'd recommend a 2.6HGz dual core(or better), 4GB Ram, with a screen resolution of 1600 X 900(or higher, I'd stay away from 768) with Windows 7(remember, it's a free upgrade). I'd bet you can find a decent one for uner $400 if you take your time. Woot had some good laptops a few months ago, now it seems all of them are high Ram(8GB) with low screen resolution and cheaper cores. I recall seeing reconditioned i5 quad core, 4GB, 1600X900 laptops on woot for $400ish. Honestly, the minimum specs that Comp posted will be more than enough and is really a pretty quick computer. Even the 1.9GHz "core-duos" are pretty darn quick if you have 4GB of RAM, with 2GB of RAM they're noticeably slower...we recently bought some of those for the shop. I recommend higher than those 1.9GHz because it will be useable for longer and home computers typicall have more potentially-OS-slowing software installed than work computers.
  20. No requests for me but I will definitely watch.
  21. Pickup and magnetic tool set for $2: http://www.lowes.com/pd_403255-16878-62418___?productId=3775415&AID=10926682&PID=4485850&SID=12d1f908a33511e5847c4668c053d5df0002&cm_mmc=AFF_CJ-_-4485850-_-1122587-_-10926682 Irwin Vise-Grip stupid "multi-tool" with knife stuck to the side $5: Straight jaws: http://www.lowes.com/pd_748226-281-1957062___?productId=999912403&pl=1&AID=10926682&PID=4485850&SID=4cd6dfc4a34911e58d512aed12f332520000&cm_mmc=AFF_CJ-_-4485850-_-1122587-_-10926682 Curved jaws: http://www.lowes.com/pd_748225-281-1957061___?productId=999912401&pl=1&AID=10926682&PID=4485850&SID=4cd6dfc4a34911e58d512aed12f332520001&cm_mmc=AFF_CJ-_-4485850-_-1122587-_-10926682
  22. Klein was the only one I disagreed with on the list(though some I don't really have opinions on).
  23. Isn't the realistic measure of a really good tool that it doesn't need to have additional accessories and/or perfect technique to work anyway? If one tool is easier to use and doesn't need any special accessories doesn't that make it a better tool for that job?
  24. Congratulations! Lucky how that worked out, awesome tools and awesome party gifts! That's better than any Christmas party I've ever been to
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