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Everything posted by BMack37

  1. BMack37

    TIA love

    Great, hopefully this leads to bigger and brighter things. First youtube, then Facebook, then world domination! Viva la TiA!
  2. BMack37

    Home Depot

    Just bought one of these. Jesus if the Shockwave bits were as tough as the packaging on this bit holder maybe people would still buy them.
  3. "Can I borrow ******?" Then I have to go and look on their messy-ass workbench to find my tool. I'm the only one that has a clean, organized work bench at work.
  4. In my opinon Milwaukee...but realistically, it depends on the item and your preference. Milwaukee generally has better torque than the equivalent Dewalt but it's normally by a negligible amount. The one thing Dewalt SMOKES Milwaukee on is bits, Milwaukee bits are garbage.
  5. hahah. I'm the same way...though not doing stuff as nice as yours. I'd just make stuff at your leisure and post it. On some cigar forums I used to frequent there was a member that did really good scrimshaw work and he'd just make something and after he had a few items done he'd sell them. I don't think he was getting rich off of it but it's a few extra bucks here and there. I found his website incase you were curious: http://darrelmorris.fineartstudioonline.com/ There were also guys that sold cigar draw tools, which were basically a wood-handled ice pick with a couple notches in the shank. Going price for those was around $20-25.
  6. You may want to consider posting for sale threads on here man, we all like your work. I know it's not the biggest forum in the world but we're working on it! Step 1, TiA stickers. Step 2: Take over World!
  7. I really like that. On my desk there is a postit notes holder I have that has a mini pallet under it...it's no where near as nice as yours. Maybe you can use that as an idea These are definitly something you could sell, especially with the pallet re-use craze going on.
  8. Same here, lost one earlier this year because he was just miserable, blind and in a lot of pain. 18 year old yorkie, I inherited him from my Dad. Poor dog out-lived two other dogs and then lost his owner, each time he got really depressed. My dog luckily seemed to understand that he was sick and didn't mourn too much...but still thinking about getting a little friend for my boy, he must be bored when I leave because he cries and cries when I get home and don't immediately pet him.
  9. Agreed, amazing how quickly you came up with that too. I love it man!
  10. Dude, that looks incredible!
  11. BMack37

    Heat gun

    I use my heat gun all the time. I bought it like 10 years ago for working on hockey sticks but I use it all the time for just about everything I need heat. What's incredible about it is that I only paid about $10 for it at Sears and now even the off-brand cheap heat guns are four times the price! You can barely buy the reducing tip for $10!
  12. No, I wish! I saw it elsewhere and it was just the first thing that I thought of as an example.
  13. I'm glad I'm not the only one! I'm worse with my hockey equipment, I will get out small sewing scissors and clip long threads...won't ever effect anything but it still bothers me for some reason. I may have just been born in the wrong era, I really appreciate the details put in old USA made everything. You see industrial machines with elaborate designs in what would now just be a flat MAYBE dimpled plate of steel. You even see it in some old vices, some are very art deco. Example:
  14. We need to clean out Washington completely and start over. Shame that it will never happen and is bound to only get worse and there's really nothing we can do about it because the country is soo split into two parties that are polar opposites on everything...and neither fight for what the people actually want or what's right they just fight for their party's agenda.
  15. I wonder if there are Canadians threatening to move to the US after the election. Hopefully something will be done with taxes/duties. I was always amazed how it's cheaper for a Canadian to buy hockey equipment that was made in Canada from me, in the US, and shipped to Canada.
  16. I like it! I sometimes "tag" stuff I do for friends with a penis. Most recently a power supply that a friend needed help with, I'll fix it for you but you'll get it back with a penis on it. If you're lucky, you get boobs. ...but seriously, I like the tag a lot. Maker's marks and tags are an indication that you're proud of your work, if you're serious about what you do you should have a tag and/or a maker's mark. A lot of what I've seen posted here deserves a MM because the work is often top notch, don't be modest guys! The only critiques is your contact info, make it easily legible. Even if you have to make a blank spot under the graphic. It should be legible for YEARS, I love seeing when things come into the shop with tags from our shop that are 20 years old. Also forget the hole if you can attach it to the back or inside of an item, if it's a hanging tag they'll take it off, if it's attached they probably won't. That tag could easily get you business 10 years down the line, I've seen it before...had customers bring in items that have changed hands that we previously worked on or "I remembered there was a tag on the back so I looked you guys up." If you made them a happy customer once they will come back...but often they forget or lose a business card, make it easy for them to find you.
  17. I agree, it's not going to effect short-term or long-term use on a vice but it's rather lazy of them to not finish in better. It's probably worth cleaning it up just to put in some clean good-quality lube.
  18. I know it's a vice and not some precision instrument but I'm disappointed and it's not even mine. Makes you wonder how bad the cheap vises are in comparison. What are you planning on doing? I'd personally clean it up, break out the file and then re-grease it...but I'm also a little(a lot) more OCD than the average person.
  19. I've bought one thing in Sears in the last 15 years...and it took me 20 minutes, when I was next in line with two cashiers. I almost just walked out with it because I swear they wouldn't have bothered to stop me. That being said, the lady at the watch repair counter couldn't have been nicer.
  20. Geez, glad you're ok. I've known too many people that were in bike accidents and had it pretty bad afterward. My friend's Dad just recently got his neck brace off after over a year. Don't want to talk about some others...scary stuff man. It makes me sick how some people don't pay attention when driving.
  21. That is a sick setup man, thanks for sharing!
  22. This weekend I noticed at Sears the Made in USA Craftsman 2 pc. Qtr-Turn Convertible Retaining Ring Pliers Set that has been on sale for $11($21 regular price) now has a evil twin next to them on the rack. The difference is sale price is $21, regular price is $25, it had black handles and it's made in Taiwan. It looks like these are soon to go the way of the dodo, so buy them now before they're gone. http://www.sears.com/craftsman-2-pc-qtr-turn-reg-convertible-retaining-ring/p-00947385000P
  23. $10 off any item sold/shipped by Amazon if you have a Discover card. I can confirm it works, I just purchased an item with a $10 discount. See the wiki after the first post. http://slickdeals.net/f/8169164-get-10-off-at-amazon-com-for-discover-card-1-click-payment?v=1
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