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Everything posted by Jronman

  1. @dwain I don't how hot or how cold it gets where you live but good insulation and hvacr might be something to look into so tool batteries and stuff don't go bad.
  2. Jronman

    Upcoming event.

    oh more of a sheetmetal screwgun? I'm itching to get the new track saw but it has a few weeks yet before release. I wish it had bluetooth for the upcoming bluetooth vac. Maybe there will be a 60v tool connect adapter.
  3. Jronman

    Upcoming event.

    oh nice can't wait for more tools.
  4. Jronman

    Upcoming event.

    There's going to be a 7 in flexvolt? Is it in the same form as the 6 in flexvolt? Will the 20v grinders be same form as the current 4 in 20v? So the two 20v grinders are essentially the same except different switches? Sounds like a big year for DeWALT which is nice. I wonder if there will be a normal jigsaw in addition to the barrel grip.
  5. how do we look at Q3/Q4? is there a list of tools?
  6. I might try ordering off amazon this time. I got a few other things I'd like to get from there as well. @Bremon cpo, acme tools, and factory authorized outlet all come to mind. There may have been a few others. Those are the main ones I go to at least.
  7. I'll tell a little story. The other day we decide to try out an ac unit at our jobsite. It is a 220v unit. We asked our electrician if we could change out the plug to work with a standard 110v outlet. He said its more involved than simply switching out a plug. He said you would have to open up the motor and stuff to convert to 110v. I would guess it would be a similar situation when converting 230v electronics to 110v. If you have access to a 220v outlet that may work.
  8. I haven't had or heard of this issue. I mostly use flexvolt 6.0/2.0 batteries with my multitool. The one time I used a 2.0 slim pack it had no issues either. Maybe a faulty battery or faulty tool? I do notice some play in the contacts on the tool for the batteries. I have done a couple longer sessions with my multitool sanding some door panels. Tool was warm but battery was still in working order.
  9. Jronman

    The new DCS570

    It is mostly the same saw but it does have a few differences. Less power, a few differences in looks which don't affect function, and supposedly less friction on the base.
  10. Estimated shipping date according to Acme Tools is July 10th.
  11. I haven't been dissatisfied by the 6.0/2.0 flexvolt. It has plenty of power for what I've used it for. May I ask why you prefer the xr 6 over the flex 6?
  12. Nice workbench. Looks like a thick and sturdy top. The transparency seems like a good idea for when you are trying to find something stored underneath. Was this based off the Paulk design and will you add dog holes?
  13. the 6.0 xr pack may have larger cells but it is only a 10 cell battery. The flexvolt has 15 cells. I notice a difference when using the flex vs a 5.0. I have never used the xr 6.0. I'm sure it has a bump in power over the 5.0 but I am not sure if it is as much as the 6.0 flex. To be safe I would get the 6.0 flex just so if you decide you want to get some flexvolt tools you have that option.
  14. started out the day by helping lay pipe for farm fields then I went back to the current jobsite to clean the house to get it ready for paint. Probably 30 minutes in from getting back from the farm work I got a bucket of water dumped on me. My old phone somehow survived haha.
  15. I don't know if I have anything for the projects I built in high school but I should be able to find plans for the stuff I built in college. I can try and get pictures of the stuff I have built. I can even post a few of my future projects if anyone is interested in seeing the drawings. I have a side job to build an "information center" as the customer is calling it and a bookshelf with doors. Other projects that are more just personal ideas that may or may not get built I'm planing are a new tv stand, bookshelf with drawers, elevated bed that could have function underneath like built in drawers or shelving or a place to sit, L-shaped computer desk, custom workbench, and dinning table. I probably have other ideas that I can't think of at the moment that I may or may not build but these should keep me busy for awhile.
  16. My crew in some ways seems old fashioned or unwilling to change. As much as I would like to try out tool apps it may not be what the other guys want. Plus my phone is too old to even use the apps haha. I wouldn't mind trying to inventory my tools and whatnot. I think it would be cool to use an inventory app at work like one key or tool connect. I think it would make inventory faster/better/more efficient in some ways. May take a bit of work to get it up and running though. If someone takes a pound of screws for job x they just pull up the app record a pound of screws used for job x then list where the materials were gotten from whether it be from the supply at our work's shop, or if it was from lumberyard, etc. Would also make forgetting what materials were used where or what tools were taken where almost a non issue. I don't know how it works with multiple users but I would guess everyone at work could download one key for example then login to the same account and have whatever is recorded get updated on everyone's apps?
  17. What do you guys do to keep the jobsite clean? or what is the best way to keep it clean? or how do you clean smarter not harder? Do you even clean the jobsite at the end of the day? or do you wait till the last day for the current job to cleanup? I suppose there is various types of jobsite cleanup. You got end of the day cleanup, cleanup after demo, cleanup before painting/finishing/staining/etc., final day on the current job cleanup. Sure it doesn't have to be spotless at the end of the day but tools could at least be put away, floors could be swept, picked up, or vacuumed real quick, and trash cans dumped. I find our jobsite is filthy even after the boss nags everyone to keep it clean. I try to do my part but I don't feel as though the other guys do as good of a job. Some tools may get put back in where we designated as the "tool room" but others may be put wherever. They may clean a bit but once 4:00 hits they outa there regardless of how clean the place is. I could just be overreacting or letting it get to my head. The newest trend seems to be making more tools vac ready. I'd like to use more dust collection but seems like the consensus at work is "we don't need it" or "its inconvenient" or "its a hassle". I use vacs all the time except just not on tools. I would think it would save some time especially if we have alot of wood to cut or if we are using the grinder. When it comes to demo projects that create pieces too large for a vac, I attempt to create larger pieces so cleanup is quicker because of less pieces to cleanup.
  18. Most living in Nebraska probably know what Grand Island is but outside Nebraska it's probably not a city they know of. To me its big but thats coming from a town of 3000 people.
  19. Whats with the "of all places part"? I like the Grand Island Home Depot. It is the closest one to me but I don't go often since its 45 minutes away.
  20. @Framer joe I don't charge my batteries often. A 2.0 for my drill and one for my impact last me a couple weeks on average. 3 flex 6.0's last my recip, light, and multitool a couple weeks as well. I'm sure I would need MORE POWA tm if I did as much framing as you but I don't. Would be nice to use MORE POWA tm but our crew is having a slow year.
  21. Jronman

    Upcoming event.

    Are you guys a big fan of the new fan?
  22. Apparently Makita isn't the only one using the term sub compact. Milwaukee is using it now. Seen a post on facebook where Milwaukee said something about the m12 subcompact bandsaw.
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