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New err.. Repeat Woodpeckers one time tool large framing squares


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Its back..    this seems to be a popular one time tool. not sure why they dont just add it to their lineup. 


I know its pretty expensive but it is in a league of its own.   if you do any serious woodworking then you may want to consider grabbing one.   


I have the 26" model (i have the 18" triangle they offered a while back so no need for the 18" square also)  let me just say, this sucker is BIG      it is a serious chunk of aluminum, finished beautifully and dead nuts accurate.       i use it mostly for aligning my TS55 guide rail, just hook it over the reference edge, slide the guide rail up to it and away you go..  i also use it to align the fence and rail on my mft table so im sure its right on. 




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I look at them as an investment  ::)  come on, limited production.. they will be a collectors item some day..... maybe.....


dont you have an MFT?   and a domino... and lust for a carvex! haha     admit it, your a festooly deep down. :)    before you know it you will have mountains of systainers surrounding you. its not your fault though, it happens to even the strongest. 

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ok gonna take a stab at this,bare with me here....

as a career machinist/fabrication engineer woodworking hobbyist I used to work with 0.001 of an inch all day long.......all kinds of steel, iron, cast, copper....ect ect but wood is not the same so in saying that I truly don't see the need for such accurate measurements...by the time you mark it with a dull pencil, cut it with your choice of saw, nail or screw it together I will bet money you will not be anywhere near 15 thou square......or 1/64th

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ok gonna take a stab at this,bare with me here....

as a career machinist/fabrication engineer woodworking hobbyist I used to work with 0.001 of an inch all day long.......all kinds of steel, iron, cast, copper....ect ect but wood is not the same so in saying that I truly don't see the need for such accurate measurements...by the time you mark it with a dull pencil, cut it with your choice of saw, nail or screw it together I will bet money you will not be anywhere near 15 thou square......or 1/64th

i definitely don't disagree with you..   its totally a luxury item and definitely not for everyone... on the other had i don't know of any other square this size that has a hook on the short leg letting you lay the square flat on your work piece and align it to the reference edge..  there is something nice about knowing that your initial layout tool has no error in it..   there is a pretty good chance that most much cheaper stamped steel squares are also well within spec but i can imagine that the quality control on those mass produced items is much lower and you may end up with one that out of wack.  

its really nice using something like this to setup an MFT table, the way i see it is if my rail is perfectly square to my fence, and my saw runs perfectly parallel to my rail then within a pretty close degree of tolerance my cuts should also as good as my setup.


alright, enough convincing myself! haha      its like most things, there is a sweet factor involved for sure...   a Honda will get you to and from work just fine but the ride wont be quite as enjoyable as if it were in a BMW... 

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I'm with John on that! Comp...you are dead on. And to be honest, I can't see spending a 180 on a square but if I had the extra cash I would definitely buy it. It's really a quality tool and certainly something the finish carpenter or woodworker would love to have next to his favorite tools. But you are so right when talking about fine measurements and regular cuts using regular tools. There are always going to be some discrepancies in a project regardless of the measure. Blade deflection, sawdust etc.

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I will give em that they make some great products but to price it and to market it the way they do is what I disagree on .....speaking of which take this square and see how much difference there is in a 40 degree temperature swing is

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I'm with you in that Comp. They came up with a Domino adjustment set that....well to be quite honest I was actually offended at. We all know they make great....nay....awesome tools but the price is way up there. I'm all for paying extra for quality tools but sometimes the prices seem to be a little (or in some cases a lot) out of whack. I did buy the 8" square and I genuinely love it. Really high quality....great features and am actually thinking about getting the 1281 square but my 8" and triangle are quite beautiful and well made tools and the price was considerably cheer.

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I will give em that they make some great products but to price it and to market it the way they do is what I disagree on .....speaking of which take this square and see how much difference there is in a 40 degree temperature swing is

hopefully with the quality of the materials they are using that wont be an issue.. hopefully.... i do use them on site so they are in my trailer year round super hot and super cold, not in some comfy climate controled shop


im love hate with the whole one time tool thing also..   yeah its shitty that you almost feel pressured into buying the item when its listed because you fear youll never get another chance but on the other hand, they probably cant support making all these tools full time (maybe not enough demand, maybe not enough machinery, maybe too much expense to have a super huge inventory) so it is nice that they are able to offer unique tools to the people that want them, when the demand is there and or they have the time to run them.    its got its goods and bads

man is it frustrating seeing an old one time tool that you want soooo bad but just cant have it!

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I'm with you in that Comp. They came up with a Domino adjustment set that....well to be quite honest I was actually offended at. We all know they make great....nay....awesome tools but the price is way up there. I'm all for paying extra for quality tools but sometimes the prices seem to be a little (or in some cases a lot) out of whack. I did buy the 8" square and I genuinely love it. Really high quality....great features and am actually thinking about getting the 1281 square but my 8" and triangle are quite beautiful and well made tools and the price was considerably cheer.

that domino fence was seriously ridiculous!!     id like to meet the person who actually paid $400 for that, ill smack them across the face :) 

and $240 for a knockoff over complicated domiplate, to me the domiplate is much nice and 1/4 of the price!  


the 1281 is a great square... i will say that if you are considering buying it anytime between now and may/june then you really might consider going for the one time 18"    those extra six inches make a difference when setting up the mft and especially using it to align your rail to square cuts off the mft    the 1281 is $109 and the 18" with no case (save your money on the case) is only $40 more.... they dont charge you until they ship if you use anything other than paypal.. also if you go through Tool Nut you wont have to pay shipping..   just a thought. 

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