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Garage Sales - Who is a fan and what have you scored?


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As a person who is quickly getting to the demographic of "Middle Aged". I'm becoming more interested in going into Garage Sales to see what I can find to use in the shop. This is a strange turn of events since in the past I couldn't have been bothered with them. However, I've had very good luck finding some good items for not that much money.


Typically I find myself looking for the older American made hand tools as they seem to be of better construction without some of the current hype of today's offerings. Here's a couple of items I've picked up in recent weeks.


Columbian 504 Vise - Found it hiding in a corner begging for some attention. After some time with the wire wheels and a little bit of paint. It was brought back to it's former glory


Price $10.00

















Ok - Not a tool, but it did bring some much needed audio to the Garage. Sony 5.1 with powered sub


Price $20.00





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Really nice score, I love how you cleaned that vice up.


I've never had a lot of luck at garage sales, but then again I probably have not tried enough. I know my father in law tells me all the time the tools he sees at auctions.


Love the stereo, you've gotta have good audio in the shop. I have a really nice set up myself, I love having some music going while I'm working. I am hoping to find some time this weekend to do a little tour for TIA in my garage and I'll show you guys my stereo set up.

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Really nice score, I love how you cleaned that vice up.


I've never had a lot of luck at garage sales, but then again I probably have not tried enough. I know my father in law tells me all the time the tools he sees at auctions.


Love the stereo, you've gotta have good audio in the shop. I have a really nice set up myself, I love having some music going while I'm working. I am hoping to find some time this weekend to do a little tour for TIA in my garage and I'll show you guys my stereo set up.


I seem to be at a 40% success rate when I go to them, Do doubt that I come across more sales of clothing and household items. I've started looking for the ad's that mention, "Moving, Estate, Retired" to have the best luck.


The stereo was a score. Previous to that I had an old receiver from when I was a teenager in there.

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Really like how that vice turned out, I have always had a thing for a good looking vice, call me strange.

As for the radio not being a tool I have to disagree. If I ask any guy on our crew to go to my truck and grab the most important tool, each one of them would come back with the radio haha. To me it is a tool in the way that it keeps spirits up and makes the day go by on those really crazy pull your hair out days.

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Like everyone else said Great scores man 10$ bucks for that sawzall?!?!? And the vice came out badass dude. I haven't had much luck at garage sales for some reason I feel like in my location people don't really care about tools call me crazy but that's just how I feel, but I have had some good luck on Craigslist

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Thanks for the comments on the vise.


The lettering wasn't bad too do. I just bought a small foam roller and some white paint and just went across the letters. Any mistakes I made I just touched them up with an acid brush.



The Sawzall was so cheap because at the time of purchase it wasn't functioning. I took a gamble and bought it anyway. I took the handle apart and found that the trigger and relay was caked in drywall dust. I blew everything out and it came back to life. The case itself was worth $10. :)

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That vice came out awesome man, nice work!


I bought a small craftsman tool chest at an estate sale like 5 years ago for $15. When I was walking away with it the husband of the lady having the  sale stopped me and gave me a craftsman screwdriver set, some vice grips, a hammer, and a couple sets of craftsman slip joint pliers. The previous owner was a hoarder so he had literally boxes of this stuff unopened, most of it was in great shape too.

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Absolutely enjoy going to garage sales, I also hit the thrift stores. A few a the thrift stores I frequently visit, have colored tag sales and tool days are Thursdays where you get 50% to 75$ off. Not to mention, the ones that are not donation based like Goodwill, I will try to barter for a better price.


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