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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. I assume that is only in your store?
  2. Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Lots to be thankful for over here!!
  3. Awesome news on all parts bro. Welcome back and congratulations on your future child!
  4. Thanks dude. I'll remember that. Long week but my boy is one beautiful kid. He's growing and he seems to be putting weight on which is really good! My stomach is a churning mess right now and we just got back to Ronald McDonald house so heading to bed. I'm getting pretty good at changing premie diapers in the isolette too! Not so sure it's going to be good for me in the long run being Samantha's was commenting on it!
  5. Yup he did and he was a mod and did all the techy stuff here too but life caught up. I bet he will come back though!
  6. Thanks guys. Today has been a roller coaster for us since getting back but Will got moved fro NICU to a CCN unit which is a step down unit and a pure testament to the strength my son possesses (obviously gets the looks and that trait from Mommy). He had a bad test on his blood cells and we have to wait for a special sweat test to be ordered which hopefully won't take to long to get back once it actually gets ordered. We have the second ultra sound on Wednesday to check on a bleed in a ventricle in his brain but that really seems to have been because of the delivery and the neurologist was confident he would be fine from this and actually met with us just to calm me down. Rough night but a great night too and we're back at the Ronald McDonald house now and ready for another awesome day with our beautiful son tomorrow. Things are looking good but we're praying a lot and keeping positive. Well at least Samantha is! It truly amazes me how a wife and husband can lean on each other. And how someone new can bring complete and utter love. Absolutely amazing.
  7. Nope sorry Tony. I emailed him a while back but Travis hasn't responded. Also reached out to John but no replied Sucks.
  8. Thanks Dwaine, Will is a week old today! We have an important ultrasound Wednesday so I won't return to work until next week but when I do, I'll go home from the Ronald McDonald House, got to my house and pick up the cruiser, work and return when I get off duty. That will be next week but he is improving regularly. I was told that they actually do not call him his age but rather where he would have been as compared to his anticipated due date so he is 33 weeks plus 5 and the Dpctors are really happy with his progress. We went home last night to get a nights rest and get some clothing, laundry and such and we will be heading back up in about an hour and a half. Roughest ride home I've ever had. It yeah, faith and family and friends. I've been blessed to have these and a gorgeous wife and beautiful son. What more can you ask for?
  9. Thanks Tony, I appreciate that.
  10. Thanks guys. Not Carl.....I remember where, when and how. Oh yes...... yeah, I've used it before but....
  11. I think it looks awesome and putting this on a mtn bike trail is awesome.
  12. What? The chubby or the tool box?
  13. Is it wrong I just got a chubby? Im not even a wrench jockey and that is friggin awesome!
  14. I'm having visions of making a father and son set of Roubo benches in the shop in no time.
  15. Well my boy is continuing to get better and there is talk that they may release us to a NICU closer to home in a week or two. He was taken off of o2 c pap? assistance sometime early yesterday morning and it has remained off. Right now he is having skin to skin contact with his mother and she, like Will,is doing better every day. Early last evening I was able to dress him for the first time. He clearly likes walking around in his boxers like his dad. This morning I got to pick him up for the first time. Pretty awesome.
  16. Good Nate! That autosense is awesome. I'm seriously thinking about getting another one. It's honestly a fantastic machine for cabinetry and the controls are stupid simple. Glad to see you back on the forum too! How's school going?
  17. Awesome review Dwain. My Honda is out this year, maybe I'll get one? Love watching you yell at your pup. Hilarious. And why the heack is everyone driving on the wrong side of the road?!?!?!?!?!?
  18. Nice job and great results dude!
  19. Sorry to hear that bro. I hope things get better for you and your friends. Also very true advice. It's easy to get wrapped up in problems but those moments of clarity can sometimes be like a hard slap in the face.
  20. Welcome to the forum Corey! Sorry for the late response been pretty busy but you'll like the guys here. Welcome!
  21. Great job Mikey, I likey!!! Also, the through metal on the top is that iron?
  22. Yeah thank God I discovered that problem and had Bosch fix it before you bought it. I was surprised you still wanted it when I let you know, but Bosch as usual has an awesome warranty service! I would have felt terrible if it was not working for you. That was my second Bosch warranty issue. The other was the multi tool. I hope the Black and Decker Autosense wasn't an issue for Nate. I ended up giving that to him with several other things to start him along on his DIY and woodworking hobby and that was a really slick drill.
  23. Geesh! I hope not, that was one of my favorite drills! I gave him my Autosense drill though so hopefully it's a different one!
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