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Everything posted by regopit

  1. Thanks guys for the nice comments. The pool is covered up and the tiki bar will have it's farwell this weekend.
  2. I hope that you are not planning on using the sidewalk as part of your floor
  3. There are few ways to look at this. The blades for my tracksaw run from $50 to $100 and my 10" table saw and 12" miter saw run from $80 to $130.00 a pop. So If I can get then sharpen one time for $25 to $40 I feel like I'm ahead of the game. Most blades you can get sharpen one time and after that you are better off getting new.
  4. I have been trying to buy the new M18 Hole Hawg but nobody has it they are waiting on Milwaukee to release it. I was getting ready to buy the corded one but saw this and was pumped up now I'm just getting tired of waiting
  5. I just drop them off at the same shop that sharpens my chain saw blades.
  6. A nice little read over at the ToolGuyd http://toolguyd.com/milwaukee-m18-5ah-battery/
  7. Congrats my friend. Enjoy your time at home
  8. I like Claudio's way of thinking but that takes a lot of time and effort. Take some C5A anti seize and put some on his tool handles one little wipe of this stuff goes on for days. Once you get this stuff on something it is everywhere or just go on line and sign him up for Out Magazine or Just Us Boys or just put a dead fish under ihis truck seat and let that AZ sun work it's magic
  9. Sounds like a good time in the making
  10. Welcome to the forum Claudio. Enjoy your time here and as far as being the voice of reason lets not get crazy. As for your english no worries I was born and raised her in the states and still have trouble speaking and writing english. Have fun and enjoy. What part Italy are you from my family is from Genoa
  11. Nice work roadhog. How hard was it to get your cover pass the deck.
  12. Internet radio what service do you use. I use Live 360 or Pandor. I have a few friends that have stations on Live 360
  13. It is always good to hear when something works out for someone and today it is your day my friend.
  14. Welcome back Conductor. The early 90's were like a cheap porno. Well that's what I have been told
  15. I have a place close to my house that is called the house of foam but you can Google black foam or pick and pull foam. I paid $20
  16. I had to modified the lid storage compartment so my M-Spector would fit but it is worth it to me
  17. You just answered your question.
  18. I have them and they are great if you a swing a hammer all day or you do a lot of demo. Are they worth the money it is all in how you look at it.
  19. I know what I will be buying this weekend. Nice video Javier
  20. I have raised my son who is 31 and two stepsons 30&27 and my daughter who is now 28, The boys were easy compared to my daughter but I would not traded it for the world. When she calls now it s to say hi and ask how I'm doing but every once in a while she needs dads help. Enjoy all the time you can FankieG they grow up faster then we would like.
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