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When the screw decides to screw you!!


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I'd have wished for that to be my problem when I did this instead. 










On a ladder leaning full force into the impact drill, screw rolled to the left when I was supporting my material with my left hand, full speed into my finger with my body weight behind it. Pierced my fingernail and took a chunk out of my thumb bone, doc said it kept me from going straight through my finger... and because of the shape of the bit my nail closed around the shank so I couldn't get it out and had to go to the hospital. Only good thing about it was it perfectly sealed the hole so no blood...bad news the pressure was extreme.  


2 hours later, 3 broken pairs of forceps, and one pissed off white boy later, I was done. The relief of the pressure was almost worth the numbing injections, which hurt a lot more than the damn bit did going in. That shit is NO JOKE. After the second injection (re: rolling the needle sideways and wallering it all around like you would with a 1/2in drill bit to make a 1in hole) he grabbed the third injection and I told him if he put it in I was going to punch him in the mouth, stop torturing me and just get it out already. The bloody picture was after they got it stopped for the most part, blood was spraying all over the office, looked like a scene out of "The Patriot" in there from that little tiny hole...and then I was in heaven, sweet relief. 


Fingernail still doesn't grow right. Get sharp pains in the joint from time to time. 


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1 minute ago, KnarlyCarl said:

OOoh boy what's worse is you're pushing hard on the screw head with the screwdriver, have your weight on it, and it slips off and the screwdriver tip drills you in your finger, that was painful..


Sounds familiar, lol. 

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Just now, KnarlyCarl said:

Ah yes, there it is, thanks for that Hugh, knew I couldn't have been the only one!!


So far the only work related injury I've had other than stepping on nails which for some reason has never really bothered me that much, probably because every time it's been pretty shallow maybe. Workers comp for the win though, saved me almost $6,000. 

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I'd have wished for that to be my problem when I did this instead. 










On a ladder leaning full force into the impact drill, screw rolled to the left when I was supporting my material with my left hand, full speed into my finger with my body weight behind it. Pierced my fingernail and took a chunk out of my thumb bone, doc said it kept me from going straight through my finger... and because of the shape of the bit my nail closed around the shank so I couldn't get it out and had to go to the hospital. Only good thing about it was it perfectly sealed the hole so no blood...bad news the pressure was extreme.  


2 hours later, 3 broken pairs of forceps, and one pissed off white boy later, I was done. The relief of the pressure was almost worth the numbing injections, which hurt a lot more than the damn bit did going in. That shit is NO JOKE. After the second injection (re: rolling the needle sideways and wallering it all around like you would with a 1/2in drill bit to make a 1in hole) he grabbed the third injection and I told him if he put it in I was going to punch him in the mouth, stop torturing me and just get it out already. The bloody picture was after they got it stopped for the most part, blood was spraying all over the office, looked like a scene out of "The Patriot" in there from that little tiny hole...and then I was in heaven, sweet relief. 


Fingernail still doesn't grow right. Get sharp pains in the joint from time to time. 


Hay Hugh, same exact same spot for me too. Was driving 3" screws into knotty pine with an air drill at high speed, and as luck would have it, hit a knot. Screw stopped dead! and the drill slipped and right through my thumb and stuck in the pine lol. Yeah, so no big deal, pulled it out screamed a few expletives and went to the emergency room. X-rays showed no break in the bone but many small metal fragments in the wound. The cleaned me up as much as possible and sent me on my way. Yes the nail does not grow right on that side of my thumb either. Switched to cordless impacts lol and keep my hand out of the way. Lol.

John, Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk[emoji848]

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8 minutes ago, BMack37 said:

Jesus Hugh, that...just...no words.


...oh there were plenty of words, none of them very good though. =-P I was holding out pretty good till the injections started and he instructed the nurse to sit on my arm to hold it down...that tough guy shit left my body behind in about .3 seconds. 



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Unreal. Worst I had was positioning a 55 gallon drum with regular shoes on. An air pump was in my way, said "shit, really should have my steel toes on. Whatever, I'll just spin it into position like I've done a million times". Gravity won that one. I spun it but it caught my foot and slid off (luckily) but that weight caught my big toe. Worked the rest of the day like a cripple, swinging my leg not bending my knee. Toe swelled up, pressure under the nail was extreme. We went for lunch and my steel toe boot bumped a table leg and shot pain all the way up my leg. I ended up going to the work truck after lunch and manually drilling three holes in my toe nail to get all the pus out. Nail started peeling off as it dried out underneath, lost the whole nail 2 days later. It took 2+ months to grow back. 



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I did the same thing to the same toe when I worked at Sports Authority back in the day. Unloading a truck, I was pulling a pallet of weights on the pallet jack, it gains a lot of momentum coming out of the inclined trailer...well someone dropped a pallet in the bay, I bumped into it trying to steer around it at the last moment, the pallet jack drove over my big toe. The nail flipped up 90-degrees a couple days later when slipping my foot into flip-flops, that was a scary moment, you think you're about to feel a lot of pain after feeling the pressure but the pain never came. Though afterward, the nail bed is soo damn tender without the nail protecting it.

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6 hours ago, BMack37 said:

The nail flipped up 90-degrees a couple days later when slipping my foot into flip-flops, that was a scary moment, you think you're about to feel a lot of pain after feeling the pressure but the pain never came. Though afterward, the nail bed is soo damn tender without the nail protecting it.

That's exactly what mine did once it loosened off. Went vertical, and I pulled and cut it out. Very weird not having a toe nail lol. When it actually was coming out though, there was no pain, like you said. It was just a moment of relief. Actually even when I was spinning the drill bit between my fingers and broke through a little aggressively the pain of the stab of the bit was immediately blocked out by the relief of relieving the pressure behind the nail lol. Needless to say, I'm a pretty big advocate with coworkers for "wear your ****ing boots!"

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