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Conductor's New House - The Fun Begins!


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Last night I dropped the tub in to check fitment. I initially thought we had screwed up a bit when it wouldn't go in, but upon inspection it was merely the corner of the motor mount board that needed the corners trimmed up. I hacked them off with a sawzall and it dropped right into place. 




It would have been easier to get a left mounted motor that required only 1 access door on the surround, but I was concerned about possible clearance issues with the shut off's on the supply lines. It turned out to be a good decision as I'm sure there would have been an issue.




Speaking of supply lines, it appears my original set up would have worked and cleared the bottom of the tub. I'm still glad I reworked them though. They look a lot nicer ran around the perimeter as they are now. 




You may recall I balked on using a GFI Breaker. At almost $60 it seemed crazy to go that route when I could get the same functionality out of a $10 outlet. After thinking about it I came to the following conclusion. GFI's trip from time to time. The idea of having to pull the surround access panel off every time it trips seems overly burdensome. I decided it best to suck it up and go with the fancy breaker




Installing it was pretty easy. The only difference as opposed to a standard breaker is that the neutral line coming from the wire is actually affixed to the breaker rather than the nuetral bar. There is a neutral wire made into the breaker that is then ran to the neutral bar in the panel box. The hot and ground wires are ran just like a standard breaker.




Tonight I'm going to grout the surround to allow me to set the tub in permanently this weekend. I may also get the master bath painted as well. Saturday will probably be tiling the last little bathroom so I can get it done before next weekend. 


We're getting close!

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So we're getting down to crunch time. Wit a target move in date of this weekend, it's time to start getting shit into shape. This weekend was productive by normal person standards, but by Conductor standards, it could have been better. 


The Master Bath was the focus this weekend. I got the tub surround grouted on friday evening. Well, what's there anyway, to allow for the tub to be dropped into place on saturday.




For the second time on this same hole, the Dewalt recip blade failed me by snapping off at the shank. These blades have been laying around for a couple years, and the new ones may be better, but this batch left something to be desired.





The Milwaukee Axe instantly added at least 2 HP to my old corded Dewalt saw. :lol: Yes, I know, it was something of a closing pitcher, but the new Milwaukee blades are awesome. 




We marked out our holes for the faucets and put them in the tub rather than the surround. I suppose it makes little difference, just seemed easier that way.




Once drilled, everything fit nicely.




Once the tub was dropped in we glued up the drain. Once we ran water through it, it leaked :( Long story short, my father in-law had me line the trap up with the drain hole in the tub when it should have been offset and in line with the back of the tub. This caused us to build an awkward trap that didn't line up to great, one joint didn't seal, and now we're going to have to redo it. It's a couple hours of lost time and $20, but I hate doing shit twice. This is the first real snafu we've had, so I guess I can't complain too bad. 




The Milwaukee Ice Hardened Hole Saw set I got for $49 on Black Friday a couple years back has been great, It's amazing how much better they are than the cheap ass set I had before.




One of the attachments out of the Ridgid faucet and sink installer worked great in conjunction with a Proto ratchet and 7/8" deep well.




Got the vanity in, the light installed, and the mirrors mounted. Nothing like installing a 4 light fixture and finding you only have 1 lightbulb. 




Mrs. Conductor paid extra for the side panels. It does look nicer, but I wouldn't have sprung for them.




Finally got the boys bathroom tiled. 




Mrs. Conductor selected 6x6 tile. I hate 6x6 on the floor. Rest assured I'll smack her around for it. 




Just wanted to give a shout out to my little Ridgid R4020. I've done a lot of tile with this little guy and it's been great. It's not a big, full featured, pro saw, but it crams a lot of function into a small package, delivers smooth, straight, cuts, and is portable enough to tuck away when not in use. No pump to go out either as it uses a reservoir system. It's perfect for a DIY'r IMO and priced right.  




We're getting there!


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Man you are kicking ass you don't mess around Conductor guess that's what happens when you drive trains for a living you always have to be on time. Looking good the previous owner had ugly ass taste in colors well pretty much everything was ugly. The house is going to look amazing once you get it finished. I bet you have a list a mile long of things you still want to do :)

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Thanks guys. I've come to terms with the fact that I'll be working on shit until I die. There's always another project that needs finished, collection that needs completed, and skill that needs to be learned. If when I go my kids can walk in my shop and know how to use half the shit I have I'll be a proud Dad. There's a certain level of satisfaction that comes with doing things yourself and doing them right.

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I've been called a lot of names in my day, but never lazy. The people that live in my old house said my old neighbor (80 years old) is beside himself having to work on his own shit and not having the ability to borrow any tool imaginable from the guy in his back yard :lol: 


Today I'm planning to re-plumb the tub drain, touch up the upstairs ceilings, and possibly grout one of the bathrooms. I decided to farm out the painting of the foyer to get everything done in time. The last big hurdle is hanging the chandelier in the foyer. With 21 ft. ceilings I may have to use scaffolding to do it :(

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