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Upgrade of Forum - Final

Eric - TIA

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As I settle in to getting used to everything, I love it more and more. Big props to making the commitment to the upgrade. Looks better. Works better. Feels better. I found signatures annoying, and with a single click on said signature a button appeared to disable either one or all signatures. 

The logic in the code is strong with this one. ;D

...actually add updated emoticons to the unimportant late game list, the ones provided are from 2008. 

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I'm really liking the new forum. Feels a bit more modern or something. Liking the notifications and this version supports shortlinks for images, which is great. Go Chevy, go Chevy! ;) 

Another 'bug' I noticed is in the reply field. When you hit enter after a sentence it gives an extra space rather than starting right below the previous sentence.

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The site finished rebuilding images, posts etc, so I am going to work on some of the settings and coding in the back end tonight.  There are a ton of options on the backend.  If you guys see something change, let me know.  I will keep checking also, but not see the small little changes show up.  I have to go into and let the system what type of files can be uploaded, sizes etc.  I just have to make sure I leave enough options for all of us, but not too many for spammers and hackers.

Kato mentioned something that I too, noticed different and would like to see return to this layout. That is the preview of our post option to see if we need to inspect our post before it gets posted and realize we screwed something up, it's a lot easier doing that than editing multiple times

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On 2/26/2016 at 7:29 PM, JimboS1ice said:

So is there something I am missing when I hit unread content, and I go to the thread, is there a way to go to the first unread post? I know this was available before, not sure if its there and I'm missing it or something...

Do you mean the oldest content first?   If so I think I fixed this.  If you click on unread content, it should now show the oldest unread content first.  Let me know if this is working on your side.

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Do you mean the oldest content first?   If so I think I fixed this.  If you click on unread content, it should now show the oldest unread content first.  Let me know if this is working on your side.

Used to be on each individual thread it could take you to the newest post in that individual thread


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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On 2/26/2016 at 10:13 PM, JimboS1ice said:

Hey Eric, not sure if one of us mentioned it but is there a reason why its doesn't tell us who likes a post? It just comes up someone


Sorry to be a pain dude! Go have a few beers on the crew!

Are you still having this problem.  I can see who likes a post.  Maybe i am missing something in the settings.

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OK I think I heard most of the issues we are having.  Here is what i have done so far.  If I am missing anything, please let me know.

Chat - Should now be a pop up window

Hard Return - Should just go to next line and not start a new paragraph

Information under name - I took away Favorite tool and hobbies.  They are now located under a users profile (under Background).  If you want more fields, let me know.

Signature - Made it 150 x 150, can use one image and one line of text.  If this messes anyone up, please let me know

Stream - If you visit "Activity" and "My Stream", then go to "Unread Content", it should show in a different order.  Instead of the most recent, it will show the oldest unread content first.  I believe this is what you guys were looking for.  if not, let me know and I can put it back.  You can also create your own stream with any content, order or dates.

If I am missing anything, let me know


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I like the forum now that I have had a few day to get used to it, however what I do miss is the direct link to the front page that used to be on the forum header will that be added eventually? cheers

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12 minutes ago, comp56 said:

I like the forum now that I have had a few day to get used to it, however what I do miss is the direct link to the front page that used to be on the forum header will that be added eventually? cheers

I will be adding that probably today.  We have just been trying to get the forum set up before we start designing the forum.

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