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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. That is awesome router for a sick price Mike! Good for you dude!!
  2. Exactly so Santi. They are real quick to get you the postage and the tool back or replaced.
  3. Oh and I think I welcomed you already but Welcome to the Forum!!!!
  4. That sounds like a load of crap gsxr. I'm not a Milwaukee guy but when I've done warranty returns I call the number, get the return postage paid and ship it out. Milwaukee is great in that department. I'd bypass the warranty center and see if you can go to Milwaukee directly.
  5. Yeah Comp.....they're a small outfit and they make crap.... Of course I like crap......
  6. Yeah I do Kruton. I've got four routers.... Bosch 1617EVS Mounted in a Bosch router table Festool OF1400 Festool 1010 (compact router) Festool MFK700 (Edge trimming router with the upright and 1.5* base)
  7. Seriously no handles? I saw a picture of those totes a while back and they had the heavy duty ones, I had no idea they were an extra.
  8. Mike that is a heck of a deal, is it a variable or single speed?
  9. I'll be more interested when they make them here.
  10. ChrisK

    Makita td090dwe

    Yup s cond to John, the burning is typically residual oil in the motor. It'll go away eventually.
  11. Welcome aboard Alex! You gotta talk to Dwain, I think he needs a back up on the video channel with his friend moving
  12. Welcome aboard Marc, have fun on the site dude! Ask all the questions you want, the guys here have a great basis of knowledge
  13. ChrisK

    Epic Fail.....

    Apparently the bridge designer is a woodworker comp.....hmmmm....that plywood is potato chipping......I know I'll put a a lot of weight in the middle.....that HAS to work!I mean I'd NEVER do that.....
  14. Have you thought about building a sub? Those babies would get you from Maine to Florida underwater!!
  15. Wow 77Ford.....that's a lot of batteries!
  16. Job site theft is a big deal dude. I believe there is a special place in hell for people that take tools, molest children, rape and murder. CL is a huge problem for stolen stuff whereas pawn shops are harder because in some areas like mine positive identification has to be tendered before money changes hand with a seller.
  17. Kruton if it's near you go. You'll get some great swag, see demos on the tools, what's new, get to try stuff out, they have great speakers. Totally worth going and registration has always been free. Also just noticed late 2016, I'll see if I can go. No promises as its a bazillion miles away but I really wanted to go this year.
  18. ChrisK

    IM PISSED!!!!

    Sprry Mike and people make it sound like 24 to 48 hours or a week to two weeks isn't a big deal. Last time I checked I don't make a 150k a year so it is a big deal.
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