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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Wait a second.....now I know why my shop is in the basement.....THIS SUCKS!!!!
  2. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha nice!
  3. Whew....I thought this was a dating site for a minute... I mean to say, Harold with his long flowing California hair is nice but Red....he has that....yeah I'll call ya later kinda look to him
  4. I got the TI 15 Regopit. With my T15 it is just awesome. The multiple chucks are what make my drill so useful. But for me to go out and spend the cash on an T18...nope. I don't need it. My drill does cabinet work and tight fits like under counter tops like no other. If I need my torque my impact will get the job done. I will get a hammer drill again (sold my M18 a while ago) this summer, probably another compact M12 model to drive some Tapcons in my basement when I put a new window in but really don't need it for anything yet. But my MFT/3 paired with my T55REQ is the bees knees! I've got a couple of 55" tracks now and I actually went out and bought some Black and Decker - YES....Black and Decker bench dogs for $6 on Amazon. They work awesome in my MFT! With the dust control mitigated with the Midi, my shop is immaculate! (You know..for being a damp dark New Emgland basement)
  5. Wicked nice work! Specially second post number two! Really have a hand for it!
  6. Nice job Mustang! Harold....yukka yukka yukka
  7. And remember, Milwaukee pYs for the shipping label and everything. Theres a reason they kick butt!
  8. I'm stl thinking warranty then! I M not sure but I am pretty positive it is for anything. Anyways the two times I've used their warrant....new tool issued
  9. Keep in mind Travis, if the M18 is under five years of age....WARRANTY!!!!!
  10. C'mon Travis....uninviting?!?!?!?! That's crazy talk. I'm gonna git in my Cah bring yas some chowda have a couple of beirs and next thing ya know you alls will be singing Dirty Water....
  11. Well that's good. I kinda miss the lil' snapper! At least he's found a GOOD past time!
  12. Welcome aboard Matthew. Seriously.....? Long walks on the beach,!?!?!?!?
  13. That's a really nice job there Scout and something for me to remember when I'm getting rid of pellet pallets!
  14. I think my first girlfriend had higher elevation... Just kidding....flat as a Kansas Highway Sorry just punchy, at my brothers house for the next week taking care of his horse, goats lizards, chickens, turkeys and STUPID cats! Oh and Chris? Can you fix the goat stalls? They keep kicking them out
  15. Made me think too, I just dropped him an email to make sure he's alright
  16. What....? The tool or Regopits strong muscular arms?
  17. Why do people call us cold? We are a warm and inviting people here in New England. If you don't like it....get lost!!!!
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