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Everything posted by regopit

  1. And the $350 bar tab had nothing to do in making this decision and to be fair it was 5 of us.
  2. Just saw this saw today at the JLC show Bosch rep said it will sell for $1450.00
  3. Chad NER and I had a great time your butt has to come next year NER and I had a good time after the show last night.
  4. This book is focus is on commercial work. if you don't know how to navigate the change order possess you can screw your self and you work for nothing. If it makes you feel any better i do way to much for free for people I'm doing work for. Ever time I say I'm not going to do it I still do.
  5. regopit

    M18 Jigsaw

    Well I'm waiting for the Milwaukee barrel grip to make it's way across the pound and just think that if they release it here it will be brush less. If not I will still get it because I like the barrel grip over a top Handel.
  6. Not that to many people here would want to read this How to get paid for construction changes.
  7. My plane lands @ 8am off to the hotel providence drop off my bag then walk on over to the Dunkin' Donuts center. ChristK this is for you
  8. I have had a good results using Spax screws
  9. regopit

    M18 Jigsaw

    I really don't use a Jigsaw much and I have been on the fence on buying a Carvex. I now have a Bosch corded barrel grip. I have been holding out for this one from Milwaukee to make it over here in a fuel version.
  10. The only thing I can tell you about a boat being a former owner of a few is that the name fits. B - Bust O - Out A - Another T -Thousand
  11. I think that you have been wearing the Bosch capris way to long, and yes I can still look at myself
  12. Picked this up today at HD no packaging just the light $60
  13. This is the kind of stuff that drives me crazy. I have worked in two nuclear power plants. Diablo Canyon and Calvert Cliffs in the shop and I spent a lot of time in the containment area. So maybe I really should not say anything about stuff like this. Yes the warning is there for a reason but lets have some common sense about this. Then again don't lock yourself in the house you could have radon gas come from the ground below. "Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas and comes from the natural breakdown (radioactive decay) of uranium. It is usually found in igneous rock and soil, but in some cases, well water may also be a source of radon."
  14. Hey Chris just a heads up on the nailer. The switch for the nail size really makes the difference. The other day I was ready to chuck the nailer out the window till I remember to switch to 3 1/2.
  15. So if you read below you better lock yourself in your house and never leave. Just about everything you come in contact could be on the list. What Is Proposition 65? In 1986, California voters approved an initiative to address their growing concerns about exposure to toxic chemicals. That initiative became the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, better known by its original name of Proposition 65. Proposition 65 requires the State to publish a list of chemicalsknown to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. This list, which must be updated at least once a year, has grown to include approximately 800 chemicals since it was first published in 1987. Proposition 65 requires businesses to notify Californians about significant amounts of chemicals in the products they purchase, in their homes or workplaces, or that are released into the environment. By providing this information, Proposition 65 enables Californians to make informed decisions about protecting themselves from exposure to these chemicals. Proposition 65 also prohibits California businesses from knowingly discharging significant amounts of listed chemicals into sources of drinking water. The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) administers the Proposition 65 program. OEHHA, which is part of the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA), also evaluates all currently available scientific information on substances considered for placement on the Proposition 65 list. What types of chemicals are on the Proposition 65 list? What does a warning mean?If a warning is placed on a product label or posted or distributed at the workplace, a business, or in rental housing, the business issuing the warning is aware or believes that one or more listed chemicals is present. By law, a warning must be given for listed chemicals unless exposure is low enough to pose no significant risk of cancer or is significantly below levels observed to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For chemicals that are listed as causing cancer, the "no significant risk level” is defined as the level of exposure that would result in not more than one excess case of cancer in 100,000 individuals exposed to the chemical over a 70-year lifetime. In other words, a person exposed to the chemical at the “no significant risk level” for 70 years would not have more than a “one in 100,000” chance of developing cancer as a result of that exposure. For chemicals that are listed as causing birth defects or reproductive harm, the “no observable effect level” is determined by identifying the level of exposure that has been shown to not pose any harm to humans or laboratory animals. Proposition 65 then requires this “no observable effect level” to be divided by 1,000 in order to provide an ample margin of safety. Businesses subject to Proposition 65 are required to provide a warning if they cause exposures to chemicals listed as causing birth defects or reproductive harm that exceed 1/1000th of the “no observable effect level.” To further assist businesses, OEHHA develops numerical guidance levels, known as “safe harbor numbers” (described below) for determining whether a warning is necessary or whether discharges of a chemical into drinking water sources are prohibited. However, a business may choose to provide a warning simply based on its knowledge, or assumption, about the presence of a listed chemical without attempting to evaluate the levels of exposure. Because businesses do not file reports with OEHHA regarding what warnings they have issued and why, OEHHA is not able to provide further information about any particular warning. The business issuing the warning should be contacted for specific information, such as what chemicals are present, and at what levels, as well as how exposure to them may occur The list contains a wide range of naturally occurring and synthetic chemicals that are known to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. These chemicals include additives or ingredients in pesticides, common household products, food, drugs, dyes, or solvents. Listed chemicals may also be used in manufacturing and construction, or they may be byproducts of chemical processes, such as motor vehicle exhaust.
  16. Nobody said you had to be smarter then the wood just believe in yourself.
  17. I have the M18 and the Hole Hawg Both are great. The question is what battery platform do you have. Here is a TIA Video on the M18
  18. He has a kindred spirit. This guy will not give up.
  19. Next thing you know they will be joining hands and singing Kumbaya. Just kidding but if your friends don't pile on who will?
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