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Everything posted by regopit

  1. If you click on the more reply options button it will give you more options and you can the attach files to your post.
  2. I have the Dewalt rolling miter saw stand and I also have their heavy duty stand they both sell for a round $200. They are both nice stands The rolling stand does take up a lot of room but the trade off is that it makes it easy to move it a round. I have cut 2x12 lumber using it with no problem and long as it is on flat ground.
  3. Will I'm a fan of all good tools. I have had my green track saw for 8 or 9 years so I may replace that and now that I'm getting older and thinking more about my health a dust extractor system is in order. As for other tools I will look to see what they are all about their sanders routers and the domino have caught my eye. As for getting them home on the plane I not even sure you can buy anything there. If anything I will deal with the local dealer not far from my home. I know that I will not buy it all at once I will stretch it out looking for some type of deal. The one thing I have found out about Festool is the price you see will be the price you will pay from their catalog to on line dealers to local store fronts the price is the same. The wife and I where talking about how we are lucky that we are patient people and have been able to put away money to do what we want to do with out taking out any type of loan.
  4. I have a bad habit of going to yard sales second hand stores etc. and buying remolding and home improvement books. I don’t care how old they are they are good reference books. I have one wall in my office floor to ceiling 14 foot wide filled with these books and, when I see the wife going through them I know something is up because she hates home improvement. What are you looking for? I know you said I could not change my mind but I am. We are doing the second floor so where are the bathroom books? On the shelf marked Bathroom or the one you have your hand on. So that was around noon today and I have spent the last 6 hours going through remodeling books and on line getting prices. The only good news is I have been given the green light to but whatever tools I need when I go to the Festool Connect.
  5. Looks great and you are so happy you repeated yourself. Nice job
  6. When people start to talk politics I just walk away. I would rather have someone think that I'm a asshole then to remove all the doubt.
  7. I don't think I will give up my pneumatic nail guns but I can see my pasload nail guns being replaced with battery tools.
  8. I don’t know if any of you remember what it was like before the WWW. I would log on to message and bulletin boards. It was all text no pictures. Their where tons of wood working boards and some tool boards, then the internet hit everyone that had a board try to make the jump. A lot of them disappeared some made it. At first, the ones that made the transition did okay but with more and more people coming in looking for updates, things of interest they could not, keep up and they faded away also. Then you tube came along some of the woodworking sites took that leap also and did okay. Now the tool guys started out okay then they started to turn into infomercials. I started to watch TIA back around 2009 just two guys Eric and Mike in their garage telling you what they thought was their honest opinion and it always felt that way when you watched. I have watched over the years and Eric and Dan have turned it into two guys in their garage give us their honest opinion and it still feels the same as it did when they started out. I was always a lurker on the forums joined in 2013 and just started to get active. There is a great group of people here willing to help and share info. That is what makes this this place so good to come to. I think that we owe Eric and Dan a lot.
  9. I think that stack-able cases are great for a shop but on a job site I like the Dewalt Tough Box it is easier to manage 1 larger box the a bunch of smaller boxes.
  10. A very good friend of ours son is the owner of DCP productions here in Maryland. They do a lot of the GEICO TV spots. I have been lucky to have done some set work for them and I was shocked that amount of time it takes to make a 30 sec. spot. Just the little bit of time that I have seen tells me that Eric and Dan put a tremendous amount of time it to what they do. So my hats off to them. If you would like to see some of the work and behind the seen video check out DCP http://www.dcpproductions.net/work/
  11. A dual bevel and 12 inch saw will do just about any thing you would want to do.
  12. You do know it's a trap. They lure you in then Bam! they got you. She is wise knows her prey but being who we are we also know that we are the winners because we have it all. The tools and best of all the girl. She is a keeper and good luck on your bathroom remodel.
  13. What type of work do you plan on doing with the saw. I have the DWS780 and I use it for Trim work to cutting stair stringers.
  14. Received an email from Bosch The new line of EC Brushless Power Tools. Check it out http://www.boschtools.com/Latest/newproducts/pages/ecbrushless.aspx?utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=February%202014%20eNews%20(3)&utm_content=
  15. Call it what you like but when something is good and works like it is suppose to I'l use it and tell others. I all so like Fasten Master also
  16. When I went back to the shop the techs in the interment lab told me that it happens a lot more then you think. They would would scan e-bay and craigslist every day, they also had made contacts with most of the pawn shops around town and would get about 90% back. The pawn shops would have some BS story to hold the guy till the cops would show up. I think the only reason that it work the company would pay them a reward. We had one on every truck so it adds up fast 75 to 100 trucks times $3,500 a unit plus spares.
  17. When I was working for the utility I was down in the manhole and my partner jump up into the back of the truck to gab a tool and when he came back he asked if I had the GMI. The GMI is an instrument that we used to monitor the the air. In a matter of seconds some crackhead grab it and took off. Believe or not that thing cost $3,500.00
  18. I like to use GRK Fasteners they are a few bucks more but they are well worth it. Her is their web site http://www.grkfasteners.com/index.php/en/ Check out the top star shim screw video it makes windows and doors easy to install.
  19. Give this a try. If you go to his you tube he has a Q&A video
  20. Nice review Chris and I will pick up as much free stuff as I can get for you at the Connect event . Nice pic's now is that pink or just the light.
  21. I can think of a lot of other tools I can spend $500.00 on.
  22. From over at the tool ToolGuyd http://toolguyd.com/makita-18v-x2-circular-saw-xsh01z/#comment-198413 "Going by the prices of Makita’s other 18V X2 products, the price of the bare circular saw might be in the $300-$350 range. If so, the total cost for the bare tool, a charger, and one set of batteries would be over $500."
  23. Have you used it on wood lath and plaster walls. The only scanner that I have found that works ok on plaster is the zircon m40 it is basically a metal detector and picks up the nails holding the lath to the studs.
  24. Nice collection of tools. How do you like the wall scanner. I was thinking about the DeWalt but we all know that did not happen and who knows when or if it will come out.
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