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Everything posted by madman_us

  1. here a little post of the termite damaged wall i replaced today. in the next days/weeks i will open a separate post of the whole process. just takes a while to send the pictures from my phone to the computer, upload them after a long day. that top plate is completely eaten up, specially the far left side: ready for framing and the ramset to shot the 3" nails into the concrete - man that thing is scary ready for action: my little side table on the miter saw rail, holding up by the tiny dewalt clamps, they come in handy before: after ( with bigger opening for the new door ) i have to do the top studs above the top plate going towards the roof with a bevel cut. i just have to go back to homedepot tmw because the studs i bought the other day (because i knew i were short on studs, thats why i bought 5 more), they started to warp so bad that i couldnt even use them anymore. premium KD whitewood stud are crap when you dont use them right away. kinda prefer the green doug fir studs . had 10 of those for weeks in my garage and they didnt warp at all.
  2. ya its definitely a great and expensive saw. the DC is amazing, my opinion because of the dust chute being so close to the blade and its moving with the blade. and the size of the rubber flap
  3. wow really cool mike - let you know how you like it when you got it
  4. Same as we germans have an accent
  5. great vid korno - ya you def sound like a belgian
  6. madman_us


    hey no problem, can you tell me the size and weight of that?
  7. go back, buy it and sell in on craiglist or ebay
  8. madman_us


    so how you wanna handle that? are you gonna buy it online and put my shipping address in that order?
  9. thats looking good comp - i still have to buy a bandsaw
  10. right NER - happens to me too when i run table saw and vac on the same breaker - as soon as the blade has probs to cut the wood or the wood starts to kink and presses against the blade, the breaker pops
  11. really nice job NER. thats a really nice drywall gun from makita - the always on option is cool. i like your logo
  12. madman_us


    i can help you out man
  13. good job sam - thats looks pretty damn good
  14. alright here are mine. thanks again to you and your wife for picking those up for me.
  15. thanks everyone - the stand comes so in handy for the framing work i gonna start in the next days. couldnt start because of other jobs coming up but now its time for my own job lol
  16. thats a great airflow / duct list. hopefully its gonna work out for you chris
  17. thats a greal deal bro. i would have done the same
  18. thanks everyone. her some pics when i assembled that stand. when the stand is folded, it just needs 40" when its flush against the wall. due to the motor which is mounted on top of the saw, if they would have designed it different then they could have saved about 6-8". after a while i stopped making pics because my camera died and i didnt wanted to wait until battery gets charged
  19. i was talking to my wife the other day about a job i have to do at her grandma's house. have to remodel 2 patio's. so i told her that i have to put my miter saw on sawhorses when i do that job. on saturday she went out with her mom to the antique store, when she came back she said that she needed the truck to pick up a piece of furniture but she doesnt need my help for that. 30 mins later she came home and i didnt see anything on the truck. then i peeked in the bed of the truck and i saw this huge blue item. Bosch T4B Gravity Rise Stand that was definitely a nice surprise. best wife ever! spend last sunday a couple hours to assembly that thing. its a really solid piece. and i made a few pics while doing that, going to upload those too. but first i have to find my card reader, have the pics on my camera.
  20. really great sword saw here a vid for you guys
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