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Hurricane Irma headed my way!

Justin Hernandez

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Hey guys hurricane Irma is going to hit us tomorrow and it is gonna be ugly. I live in Homestead FL and have been here all my life and have been threw tons of hurricanes. I survived Hurricane Andrew and Irma is going to be worse than Andrew and possibly throughout history. We lost everything in Andrew, house had to be gutted and had a partial roof collapse. Homestead suffered the worse and we still haven't recovered from it there is still many empty lots today. With Irma now history may repeat itself and I will be in the same house I was in with Andrew in Homestead. Prepared as much as I can but you can never be prepared enough. Walmart has been closed since yesterday and gas stations have been out of gas for days. Water and gas has not been restocked like the media has been saying if any water delivery comes its gone in seconds. They also have been saying how gas tankers have had police escorts to bring gas in as quick as possible. This is a huge problem and those tankers never made it here. I will survive the storm, hopefully I will survive the violence that will ensue after the storm. Loss of power will go on for a long time they estimate 4.1 million customers and thats just FP&L. My poor 2017 Super Duty which I just got less then 4 months ago will most likely be heavily damaged which sucks. Its parked in the garage but I don't think the roof will hold I hope it doesn't fall on the truck. But it can be replaced just like the house but lives cannot!! I hope to be back on here soon its gonna be a long ride and some outer storm bands are already here. This isn't a goodbye its a see you later!! 



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I was living in Jacksonville when Andrew passed across the state. I still remember all the pictures of the destruction exacerbated by the building practices that had been allowed prior to that storm. The changes to the codes afterwards were nothing short of phenomenal. The insurance companies added to the reconstruction problems with many of their payment practices that allowed many contractors to collect and skip town without finishing work,  or refusing to pay homeowners directly for whatever reasons. Had a friend who was a federal building inspector in Dade county who had weathered the storm there too. He had some wild stories to tell about the aftermath.


I wish y'all luck in the coming weeks...

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I'm sure everyone here is hoping for the best for you, as I am!  Unfortunately, big storms are a way of life in Florida and along the Gulf Coast.  Try to stay as safe as possible; I'm preparing for my area  to be hit in a couple of days (though nowhere near as hard).

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