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DeWalt Birthday Haul


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Good Day Folks!


An early Birthday Gift from the family, I am replacing all my "cheap-o" tools with some quality ones now that I have moved up the food chain at work.  I have always been a fan of DeWalt tools, has that is what my brother always used.


I want to add that my boy, just earned his temporary driving permit and has a reward he will be getting all my Harbor Freight/Flea Market tools. His hobby is making walking sticks, has well as Geocaching with me.  He finds the wood while we are out hunting the caches. 



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That's a good looking setup there wigwag. I have looked into the geocaching, looks like a blast. I bought a metal detector a few weeks back and found all sorts of stuff in my backyard. While it's not geocaching it's still a treasure hunt.

And congrats to him on his permit! And congrats to you on your new gray hairs haha

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