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Fuel 6 1/2" Circular Saw


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That's the advantage of the home shop. Just like everyone else here, it's our shop. Safety is a personal goal. These videos are made by industrious members for industrious members.  If a guy wants to cut a 4x in a particular fashion in his shop, so be it. Jim, great video. Even if it is a Milwaukee ;)


And if a guy wants to tell me how to do stuff in my shop....? Well....he's entitled to his opinion. I hope he keeps it to himself but at the end of the day. It my shop. My rules. Take what you will from my shop and my video.


We open ourselves to criticism every time we shoot a video or write a post.  I hope, on our forum anyways, we keep that criticism professional and friendly.  Any rude commentary or disruptive behavior will be dealt with immediately so let's everybody keep focused and friendly. This is a great site. I've been here for several years and want to see it stay that way. 


Like elbows....Everybody has an opinion and when it comes to criticism it is kind of interesting to see how people come across. This forum, Tools In Action, is NOT the Journal of Light Construction. This is a tool forum. Plain and simple. We are full of amateurs and hobbyists and professionals. Everybody comes from a different background, myself included. Everybody has different levels of experience and training. Some in the pro field, some in their shop, some as enthusiastic home owners or renters.  I for one like reading all of your articles and if I can't take something out of it? Great. If not? Who cares? Somebody else might take something from it.  Monday Night Quarterbacking shows up to ALL of the members. And the guys that contribute to the forum?  Keep on keeping on guys. God bless you. I love the information. The guys that don't really contribute but like to criticize? Well....like leaves in the Fall, they go away. 


Keep up the good work all of you guys that take the time to make this forum unique and informative. And if you screw something up? IT IS YOUR DARN SHOP!!!!! Be careful but have fun. Remember what Tools In Action is about. It's about Tools......in action. No misnomer there.

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Damn Jimbo,you lose some weight or something? You're looking hella fine in this video. As far as safety goes This thread is the most entertaining thing I've read in a while. I can always use a good laugh. Like the harness on a 20' scaffold. I remember working on 2x10s on 20' scaffolds with my Dad back in elementary school. No harnesses were involved. My dad wouldn't let me up on the ladder jacks up that high though. Man all sorts of stuff. I come from a long line of guys who are missing finger tips. From 8 years old I ran skill saws that always (and I mean always) had the guard pinned back. A large portion of the cuts were blade toward my femoral artery. You know what it did? It made me hyperaware of where my blade is at all times. I've worked with a lot of guys who flip out if the guard gets pinned back, and they are the ones who end up cutting their cords on accident. I've never ran a grinder with a guard. I've sat on buckets of loaders in High winds 18' feet in the air trying to get a roof to hold together. I've used 45' man lifts without harnesses. All the nail guns I used didn't have the safety mechanism on the nose so you pulled the trigger and it shot no matter what. You know what that accomplished? I pay a lot of attention to my muzzle and trigger control even though the guns I use now have safety features because of all the times my ass got chewed for sweeping my dad with the muzzle as a kid. I flinch and move whenever one gets pointed toward me. I can guarantee you that I work safer than most people because a large portion of the time safety equipment is like gloves on a bench grinder, giving you a false sense of security. I'm not saying that safety devices and protocols should be done away with, but it seems to me that a majority of the time people are getting taught that safety mechanisms and protocols are a replacement for situational awareness and it is making the job site less and less safe. These should supplement each other, not be an either/or scenario. If you are taught that you have a safety net all the time you won't concentrate on not falling, but what happens when that net fails? If you believe there is no net you will be very deliberate about not falling and then be glad that the net is there to catch you. If you think my experience is unsafe, you oughta hear the stories my dad and boss tell about their childhoods. My boss was killed as a kid by a live 480v line, and when he fell 15+ feet off the pipe he was straddling the impact with the ground restarted his heart. Just my two cents. Great video. I can't wait for the DeWalt brushless to finally come out so we can do a head to head.

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4 hours ago, JimboS1ice said:

You guys ever watch science videos on youtube of mercury, thats some pretty wild stuff!


Agreed. If you like some science(not boring and easy to understand) with mercury and firearms you should already be following TAOFLEDERMAUS, but if you're not here's a link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNEZ7cqaZzYLeyWfTkelkEA


He's the guy that is famous for finding out that gummy bears are bulletproof.


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Wow, you never cease to amaze me Chris. Hahaha. Mercury, And I thought it was the closes planet to the sun. I thought penicillin cured syphilis?

Mercury didn't cure syphilis but doctors didn't let a little thing like that stop them from getting a big syringe, filling it with mercury, and ruining some poor shlub's day by filling his tallywhacker full of liquid metal

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On 4/8/2016 at 11:51 PM, khariV said:

Mercury didn't cure syphilis but doctors didn't let a little thing like that stop them from getting a big syringe, filling it with mercury, and ruining some poor shlub's day by filling his tallywhacker full of liquid metal


The crap they used to treat illness back then was crazy. Mercury, cocaine, bloodletting, tooth extraction(healthy teeth to cute non-oral health problems), surgically implanting goat testicles...yes, that was a thing.

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he also needs to have a team of safety specialists on location while shooting video's for up to the minute advice on safety regulations in case there are updates while filming. 


opp umm jimbo, sorry that is no longer exceptable, you need the 453-546 the 455-533 are now outdated...

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