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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. I have GOT to get some of that! My God..""I could take over the world!!!!!
  2. ChrisK

    New jig saw

    Yeah, this was the one I was looking at Madman. The other smaller Bosch is supposedly a great little saw but the JA572 is definetely the bees knees.
  3. Welcome aboard Larry, not sure about calculations but have fun searching around!
  4. ChrisK

    Merry Christmas

    Friggin' flat landers.
  5. Awesome job Ricky! The lines look awesome and butting a hip to another hip is really impressive! I couldn't help but notice....are those leaves on trees? I miss leaves.....this is going to be a long winter
  6. That's what is missing from Festool KWC! They're German....Germans make beer.....WTH?!?!?!?!?! Seriously though, that is cool! I have to HAVE to get one of those!!!
  7. hey guys, I know a bunch of you will be "off line" for the next couple of days. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! Thanks for being a part of the forum and for the guys running the forum, Travis, Jason, and Eric and Dan of course, and all of the members, thanks for being a part of this great place. I've really enjoyed "talking" to you all over the last couple of years and am looking forward to many more. I've met a lot of great guys here and even got a lot of great support and guidance on projects and life. Please be safe out there if you have to travel and remember to let people out in front of you, get doors, wish people a Merry Christmas (and not like I normally do while extending a friendly flag of my middle finger as some dumb As$ pulls out in front of my Toyota Tundra causing me to spill my Latte and uttering the words, Merry Christmas you slime sucking douche nozzle, I hope you choke on your Christmas dinner you putrid nozzle jockey....what a Chowder Head...." Merry Christmas TiA, God Bless to you and all of your of your families and I hope 2015 is a great year for you all!
  8. Thanks for posting DR99. Congratulations to all of our winners!!!
  9. Sounds like fun Mike! It's pouring out right now and the ground is frozen solid so the only outdoor work I can look forward to until June is shoveling and snow blowing snow, chopping up felled limbs and digging my neighbors out of their driveways. You know....until I get to work and the digging people out of snowbanks cause their four wheel drive "must be broken".....
  10. Like I said.....what else does she need? I'm WONDERFUL.
  11. So far....all sorts of equestrian stuff....pearl earrings, jewelry stand, Kate Spade.....yeah I actually picked one out for her...purse, special riding boots.....
  12. Yeah I'm a little leery about kitchen stuff and vacuums. I'm afraid I'll get told what to do with them!
  13. Warranty is a big deal. Specially when a manufacturer backs it's tools with good ones. And especially when your dropping a lot of cash.
  14. Good for you Shade, I have a Festool made Stabilla and the thing is freakin' awesome. Plus the warranty is sweet!
  15. I haven't been able to play with mine yet as I'm just getting my new basement shop together but this thing looks like an awesome saw. I'll be getting a Diablo blade for it but soon....soon.....soon!
  16. Welcome aboard SNY! Always happy to meet new members!
  17. Hey NE....what's the hard tail in the background?
  18. Hahaha well good for you none the less! I've been pounding the heck out of my DCD985 down in the basement drilling Tapcons. The bit is warped like an 1/8" off center. Shoulda bought Bosch bits! I've been working the hammer like crazy and cutting 2x PT and 1/2" OSB for the half walls with my new 20v saw and have to admit....Dewalt is doing me good. I'd still like to give Makita a re-whirl again but....not going to spend too much more on these guys for a while.
  19. So BK, how are you liking your new hammer drill?
  20. Well....let's see. If I could change the skis on Santas sled, I'd be pretty happy
  21. Oohhhhhhhhhhh.............K...........W..........C............? Any ideas dude?
  22. Wow. I've got a Hypoid saw. I think I gots to gets me some Makitas! I will say my Hypoid will cut through houses though! That Magnesium saw is the cats.....meow!
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