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Everything posted by The.Handyman

  1. What more are you wanting? I could have mounted the saw to the yellow brackets to clip it to one of the aluminum stands. Or there are the 2 wheeled stands DeWalt offers. All those options take up a lot more space and increase the overalls size/footprint of the table saw. I want to keep it as compact as possible. I run a very lean and adaptive setup. I keep everything modular.
  2. DeWalt has has these metal scissor stands for ages. They are lightweight and very stable. When cutting, the weight push/pull is linear and inline with the scissor stand feet. This makes it stable in use.
  3. The new updated stand is finally out. I've been waiting since it was announced back in December. I had to buy it from eBay as nobody else had it! Not Amazon or Acme. DW7451 is updated part number
  4. The 20v laser is a large square rotary laser.
  5. Don't forget, the jigsaw is phenomenal.
  6. Yes, I am Bricoleur_Design_Jax on IG. The tall stack is just for a fun pic. In reality, 4 boxes is probably max with this little 8 gallon unit. It's a nice feature to have. The larger 10 gallon DeWalt dust extractor has a better footprint and better casters.
  7. I ordered from Europe because I knew I would use it. Now my DeWalt dust extractor has become that much more useful. Watch out Festool, there's a new player in town. I ordered extras, so PM me if you are interested in buying one from me.
  8. This is incorrect. The DeWalt green lasers cannot be locked and set St an angle, however, when on and set at an angle the lasers will project the angle desired. The only thing the laser does is periodically blink multiple times to let you know it is out of level (~30 seconds solid then 3 blinks then ~30 seconds solid). It works, I've done it. So have others.
  9. Rousseau 2780 Table Saw Stand for Smaller Portable Saws (REPLACES: Rousseau Models 2745 and 2700-XL) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01HXI7ENW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_V8GZyb7S8J2G2
  10. The Rousseau table saw outfeed support and small table will work with FlexVolt. They told me it would.
  11. I just bought the DeWalt metal scissor stand - DW7451. This is the newest version specifically for the FlexVolt.
  12. I am going to get the FlexVolt track saw as soon as it comes out. I think it's going to be a great unit. Uses the same motor as the table saw and circular saw which we all know is Awesome by now. I really hope they package it in the Tstak here in NA.
  13. It will be here by 2nd quarter. I really want the 18ga Paslode lithium. The DeWalt 16ga 20v has left me with underwhelming feelings. I hope this is better.
  14. I just purchased the EGO 16" 56v chainsaw last month. I haven't used it yet but it get phenomenal reviews, just like every EGO product. I have the Mower so it made sense. Now that this is coming, which I have a decent amount of FlexVolt batteries, makes more sense. Especially when it comes with a 9.0ah which I could use in my other tools.
  15. Exactly what I use mine for! Awesome setup.
  16. It will be back down to the $99 holiday price if they don't sell out at their current price.
  17. The basic cxt kit at Home Depot is getting ready to drop in pricing. It's already on a slight clearance at Home Depot.
  18. Plastic hinges. I'll pass. I like the Kreg plastic screw cases though. They are nice.
  19. That rotary tool is amazing! I have it and love it.
  20. My caged lightning has arrived! Came via horseback from Acme but it arrived.
  21. You guys make me jealous. I need more power!
  22. The DeWalt 20v 18ga brad is due out this quarter, quarter 1 2017. It could end up pushed back to quarter 2, who knows. But it will be out the first half of this year.
  23. Don't forget to look at the Tstak lineup. They are great as well, especially if space is limited or you do mostly interior work. Not to mention they are harder to overload with tools which keeps the carrying weight down.
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