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PSA - Bad 6.0 XR packs


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Gentleman please watch your 6.0 XR packs both of the ones I have went down for the count doing grinder runtime tests. They drained below critical battery level and are at the point of no return. Use caution with them date of manufacture is 2017 27-49 7-7


Though this is a loaner kit it’s still disappointing to see





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Could it be that the low volt detection system can't actually cut power while the machine is still working? I've noticed on my Milwaukee kit that it seems to run on even though the power has dropped significantly, but if you release the trigger and then try to reapply power it doesn't run. Perhaps the electronics can't handle breaking the circuit while it's under load? 


Just a thought. 

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I was able to get them working, there’s a way to “reset” the chargers by sliding the battery in and out numerous times. The batteries didn’t feel that warm but I’m going to chalk it up to internal heat and low battery. I let them sit to cool off a bit as well.

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2 hours ago, Stercorarius said:

Also this. That's the worst charger they offer. The fast yellow charger is worth getting. At the very least the "fast" black charger.

That is a "fast" black charger the other's are the 101and the double, the 107 is the slow one.

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Sure post this after I  pull the trigger on a 6.0 and grinder haha. I assume you were trying to get some runtime numbers with constant use from full to dead battery? 

Yea you got it! 12 min on the flat 10 on the regular

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That is the safe version and in most of the cases it turns out to be right. But when you know what you're doing and follow the recommendations of the cell manufacturer you can possibly revive packs. I don't mean stupid and dangerous "hook it up to a NiCd charger" or "jump start it with another battery" youtube videos.


More like read this https://www.nature.com/articles/srep30248 and understand whats going on in a serial string of batteries. Then measure cell voltages and decide if you want to proceed (when all cells are at 3,6V and one is at 0V then yeah, extract the good ones if you need them for anything else but your pack is toast). If all are like 1,5V-2,5V one should consider reviving the pack. There is no guarantee though that no cells have been negative charged in the previous discharge cycle! So look up the cell manufacturers datasheet and look for the recommended revival current. This current is that low, that a cell with a internal short wouldn't come up to voltage. You'll find something like:



With low discharged cells (as you can read in the article above) you expect a damaged SEI layer in the cell. The life and performance is greatly dependent on the SEI layer of you battery. Therefore you should consider to make a low current charge (charger with current set or maybe a bench power supply and good supervision) and discharge (lamp or radio) cycle. This should help to properly form the SEI again which translates to the best possible recovery for your cells (if it works out). If the battery can't hold the charge, its defective, if it doesn't perform properly its defective and should never used again. But maybe you have just discharged the cell that little amount that the threshold of the charger isn't reached anymore.


Oh and btw. It is not a bad idea to make such a low current cycle with a new out of the box battery as well. The SEI isn't 100% formed yet and low current means less stress for the battery until the SEI is fully there.

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