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Have You Noticed More Tailgaters?


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In the last couple years I have noticed more and more people get up right behind you?  Some to intimidate so they can pass.  I let them pass and consider them "my sponsor".  A sponsor is someone going fast before me that will get the ticket if a police patrol is ahead.  But more than ever I'm encountering people coming up behind and when I move to another lane they drop into the same lane staying behind me?

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In the last couple years I have noticed more and more people get up right behind you? Some to intimidate so they can pass. I let them pass and consider them "my sponsor". A sponsor is someone going fast before me that will get the ticket if a police patrol is ahead. But more than ever I'm encountering people coming up behind and when I move to another lane they drop into the same lane staying behind me?

. Heck yea it's like nobody has patience anymore everybody's always in a rush now or these new cars just have to much power for them to handle, I use to push the breaks on them a holes and scare them and my wifey always gets scared cus they will pull up aside me and argue flip me off lol I just keep lookin straight and ignore them it makes them feel real stupid when u don't pay attention and argue back at them lol!! Thank god I've only had to knock out somebody once and that was like 3yrs ago the dude was stupid enough to try and open my door so I kinda beat the the shit out of him but I regret it guys cus my kids got really scared so that's why I just ignore those punks now.
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I never had to come to blows.  Maybe because I use a different tactic someone else told me to try.  When their yelling at you and giving the finger I smile and wave and say "I love you too".  You should see the confused look you get and most just drive away. 


I used to be the fastest guy in the fast lane.  The guy you would say watch out for that guy.  I liked having other drivers watch out for me.  But now that I'm retired my wife is with me and gives me too much grief so I have slowed down some and began to experience these strange people behind me.  The only one's that scare me are mostly young girls tailgating that are barely in control of their car. 

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I never had to come to blows. Maybe because I use a different tactic someone else told me to try. When their yelling at you and giving the finger I smile and wave and say "I love you too". You should see the confused look you get and most just drive away.

I used to be the fastest guy in the fast lane. The guy you would say watch out for that guy. I liked having other drivers watch out for me. But now that I'm retired my wife is with me and gives me too much grief so I have slowed down some and began to experience these strange people behind me. The only one's that scare me are mostly young girls tailgating that are barely in control of their car.

LOL Rego I'm gonna try that!! Yea it sucked lookin at how scared my kids looked that day it was the first and until now the last time that's happened. I'm gonna use ur method bro lol!
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I live in mass and there are horrible drivers because the poor roads, idiots on the road, and tourists. I just try and go a little above the speed limit and idiots try going 80 behind me lookin for a ticket. So I know your pain man.

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I will admit I can be "That guy" if someone is going below the speed limit I will definitely tailgate, Not to the point where it is unsafe but yeah the slower they are going the closer I get. Typically I back off after a bit though, I only stay there long enough to make my point lol.

The thing that annoys me the most if we are talking about highway driving is how people do not move out of the passing lane. I'm not sure if it is the same throughout the country but here in mass almost no one understands that the left lane is for passing and they should move over if someone is behind them

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Oh I remember Massachusetts, 

We took a vacation that started out in Maine but the water was a little cold so we decided to drive down to Cape Cod.  The trip on the Interstate was uneventful but as soon as we got off the exit things changed.  On the road to Cape Cod people were tailgating and blowing their horn.  It was so bad that within a few miles we decided to turn around and head west.  The drive thru Mass was stressful so much so all we wanted to do get out of Mass before stopping for the night.  At about midnight I let my wife drive and I nodded out in the passenger seat about 1AM I awoke because someone had blown their horn behind us and then passed us on an empty three lane road???  


Is that the way out of state drivers are greeted in Massachusetts?  We have traveled in all 48 states and our experience in Massachusetts is the most memorable.  We have avoided Massachusetts ever since.

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I rage at people who don't GTFO of the fast lane as they match speed or go under the limit. Or fail to signal a blinker.

Driving etiquette...should be a required course every 3 years. Chapter 1, how not to be a douche tard.

I think Indiana just passed a law if you are holding up traffic in the fast lane you get fined. It's only been affect for a month so I am not sure how well it has been working.

Not using turn signals is one of my pet peeves. I want to invent something to where if you turn the steering wheel a set number of degrees that would constitute a lane change or a turn and you don't use a signal, a big ass boxing glove shoots from under the dash and punches the driver in the dick!

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Yeah I see this everyday on the way to and from work. I just slow down to piss em off more. eventually they fly by and I end up right next to them at the red light,fuggin dumb people sometimes.  It especially ticks me off when they do that when my kids are riding with me,I always try to be extra cautious when my kids are in the vehicle.

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I think Indiana just passed a law if you are holding up traffic in the fast lane you get fined. It's only been affect for a month so I am not sure how well it has been working.

Not using turn signals is one of my pet peeves. I want to invent something to where if you turn the steering wheel a set number of degrees that would constitute a lane change or a turn and you don't use a signal, a big ass boxing glove shoots from under the dash and punches the driver in the dick!

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During rush hour traffic I do not use my turn signal to change lanes.  Whenever I use my turn signal the person in the lane speeds up so I can't get in front of them.  Ouch where did that boxing glove come from?

I only do this during rush hour traffic.  Extreme times call for extreme actions.

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