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Hey guys, I was out of the office so to speak for almost two weeks. I lost my best friend and companion for the last 12 years, my dog Rufus. I got him from my parents when they moved to Florida 12 years ago. He was 2. My buddy kept me going through a real rough patch when my first marriage ended when she moved on to somebody else and he had been in failing health. For the dog guys out there, you know about that bond. For the non dog guys, well, it's something I can't describe. I never had a dog before. It's like a piece of you goes missing when something like this happens. Anyways, the little guy went through a lot with me and I have been a bit lost the last couple of weeks 2 to be exact. At about five is when he went) but coming back the other day made me feel pretty good.

Yesterday, my Wife and I went to the North Country to get our one year anniversary cake, then shot south to the Deerfield Fair, then went to my brothers house to let his two shepherds out. My brother Kevin and Samantha and I buried Rufus at Kevins house and we brought some dirt from his favorite hang out spot at my house up to Kevin's. I chose to bury him there so he could be next to my brothers great loss, Kody. The dirt was just a reminder from home. We buried him next to Kody, who died two years ago. Kody was the only dog my boy liked. Not to mention Rufus was a 23 pound Miniature Schnauzer who did not like other dogs.

Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks to the guys here, I love the forum and coming back and being a part of it is always therapeutic. The second pic was when Kody and Rufus were puppies. For you dog guys, give them a hug and enjoy them. They are always there for you and being there for them is a real good thing.

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I had wondered where you were man. Wish it was because you were on vacation or something cool. Sorry about the loss. We had a thirteen year old chocolate lab that we had since he was born. His health started failing and we had to have him put down. It's crazy how you can get so attached to a dog. Good to have you back brother, but sorry again for the loss.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

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I'm truly sorry to hear about your loss bro... I'm a super Dog lover man I know that exact feeling of a bond with your dog I have 2 boxers right now that I adore man but my first dog was a mutt mix with Rottweiler and German Shepard I got him from a family friend in 1993 and he past in 2008 his name was max man I loved that guy and miss him he truly was my first best friend in life.... Bro always remember man we here for ya brotha and Happy to have u as a friend. Once again sorry to here about ur loss my friend.

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Sorry for your loss.....I know the feeling, the attachment becomes like no other. Our furry friends seem to always get us through thick and thin. My wife and I have owned Miniature Schnauzer's for the past 20 plus years, currently we have three......We both just love the breed, personality big time with big hearts. Its true that a dog is mans best friend!!  Pet humor below.....


I hope this brings a smile to you



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Sorry to hear that Chris. We lost our dog almost 4 years ago and I cried for three days. So I know how it feels. Nothing quite like losing your dog. Are you getting another dog? We only lasted a week before we rescued another dog. Anyway, sorry to hear and I do understand how it feels.

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Chris - Sorry to hear about Rufus. No doubt that they carve out a place in our hearts that can not be filled when they pass.


A couple of years ago I lost my best buddy Mikey. A 15 year old border collie. I was up in New Hampshire snowmobiling for the weekend with no cell signal. When I finally got in range my phone started going off with multiple missed calls from my wife and VM's of her crying saying that he just had a seizure and he couldn't even stand anymore and she didn't know what to do. By the time I heard all the messages, he was already gone.


Driving home that day and walking into the house and not having him come up to me was probably one of the worst days of my life. I know exactly how you feel.

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