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Hybrid Electric Heat Pump Water heater install

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Late Post. I spent my New Years Eve and some of New Years day installing my own water heater. The old Bradford White let me down again after 24 years the tank started to leak, I changed every part in it over the years. I bought the only 50 gallon hybrid water heater available in my county the next one was hours away. Good thing I noticed it was dented before I left the supply house so they gave me a discount. I had to make a swing joint to make the hot water line work, a little ugly but that was the only way to get the angles. Every thing was a tight fit because the washer machine is right next to it, I managed to squeeze in the condensate drain line using the old relief line. I know I don't have proper clearance around the heater don't beat me up to bad, the cold water line is about a quarter inch from hitting the side of the washer machine. I started late on New Years Eve and gave up at 9:30 at night. Isn't it a work of art :)









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Edited by Justin Hernandez
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Hey I feel right at home! Haven't put enough of these in because they're just now starting to gain traction so I'm still gathering knowledge on these guys.

One thing I wonder is how cold it will make the room in which this water heater is located. Did you notice a drop in temp in that area?

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It looks like a very good clean looking job man. An you can only do so much with what you got. Looking good man.


Thanks man I tried, I wish we had basements in Florida I would be in heaven with all that extra room. We have to use the garage for storage, utility room, park a car, laundry room, its crazy. Most people don't park cars in the garage they fill it up with stuff and than when you open the garage door stuff falls out..lol  


Hey I feel right at home! Haven't put enough of these in because they're just now starting to gain traction so I'm still gathering knowledge on these guys.

One thing I wonder is how cold it will make the room in which this water heater is located. Did you notice a drop in temp in that area?

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It has been some time since I installed one, the only reason I went with this unit was to save on electricity every thing else was a bonus. My only option was electric and electric tankless suck they are not worth the effort. I haven't noticed it yet because the garage door gets opened all the time plus the weather is in the mid 70s lately so its not as hot as it was. This does provide a 1/2 ton of cooling capacity and when it is running it does push out a lot of cold air. The fan blows right on the washing machine and when you touch the metal on the washing machine it is ice cold. But the unit only comes on like three times a day to maintain temperature and when some one takes a shower. It really depends on run time for more cooling. 

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Nice job dude


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Thanks Jimbo!!


good job, what I remember years ago we had a heat pump at camp that had several hundred feet of piping in the ground out side.....cooled and heated the camp...

Thanks Comp! You are talking about a Geothermal heat pump, this unit provides just a 1/2 ton of cooling. 

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Ah Florida, that's why you can run the condensate drain outside without it freezing (I'm assuming the drain is going thru an exterior wall?)

How about an expansion tank, I'm curious to know if you're required one where you live? (Or do you have well water?

Also, getting 24 out of a water heater is impressive anymore. With the water around here, they go out a lot quicker! For me, I have a propane tankless, and glad I put it in. That's so true about the electric ranklesw, just walk away from them, not worth it in long run.

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Ah Florida, that's why you can run the condensate drain outside without it freezing (I'm assuming the drain is going thru an exterior wall?)

How about an expansion tank, I'm curious to know if you're required one where you live? (Or do you have well water?

Also, getting 24 out of a water heater is impressive anymore. With the water around here, they go out a lot quicker! For me, I have a propane tankless, and glad I put it in. That's so true about the electric ranklesw, just walk away from them, not worth it in long run.

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Yes it does no freezing here, we are not required to have an expansion tank but most manufactures recommend one. But lets be honest if we did everything a manufacturer said we would all be broke changing car parts every week..lol I have city water and this water heater has on a water softener for most of its life that's why I believe it lasted so long. But all the old heater's last, I change out some gas one's from the 60's and 70's all the time they finally start to leak. You are very lucky to get 10 years out of a heater nowadays, the water here is bad too, most tank's leak soon after the 6 year warranty. This one picked a bad time to start leaky but a lot of my customers have the same problem, everything breaks during the holidays.


Nice job Justin. Pretty much everyone here runs natural gas for heating except if your in the country then people will run electric appliances.

Thanks Jason!! Some old neighborhood's here have natural gas water heaters and appliances, but everywhere else is electric. I guess its because we don't need heat in Florida to heat the house so that's why its not popular 

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where I live cold winters, electric heat is expensive over Natural gas.....for example my aunt has a regular bungalo approx 1400sq all electric, my house about twice the size with natural gas is about half the cost per year

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Electric heat is horribly inefficient. We are lucky that the city water in Michigan is pretty soft. You get into problems with well water though in some areas

A lot of people have well water here and it is nasty if you don't have a chlorinator or water softener.  

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Funny I just install one of the hybrid heaters this week but mine was a GE, replaced an old propane heater, I'm hoping it'll save me some money in the long run

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Haha, I use to install those Ge Geosprings back in the day, I think Lowes has a special on them right now.

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The first generation of the Geosprings had issues but the made in the USA ones ares supposed to be better.

Yea I'm not a fan of any Ge product, the ones I installed was because the customer's bought it themselves. I have replaced a ton of Ge electric and gas water heater's do to tank leaks. There electrical panels are the worst all they do is burn up and tons of faulty breakers. Can't complain to much because I make a living fixing there stuff

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Well I've had luck with GE with my other appliances plus I got $500 back from my electric company for it so it was cheaper than the propane in initial cost and to run plus no more need for a flue, this is not the first gen I'll let you guys know how it goes. I never get the extended coverage but I did pay for the lowes service plan because it covers labor figured one failure it would pay for itself.

Also there aren't to many other hybrid system for sale up here in NE

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Well I've had luck with GE with my other appliances plus I got $500 back from my electric company for it so it was cheaper than the propane in initial cost and to run plus no more need for a flue, this is not the first gen I'll let you guys know how it goes. I never get the extended coverage but I did pay for the lowes service plan because it covers labor figured one failure it would pay for itself.

Also there aren't to many other hybrid system for sale up here in NE

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That's awesome you get 500 back, unfortunately for me there is no rebates in my area.


Yea I have a GE front loading washing machine its the worst :( The thing is a pain to balance.

All front load washers are junk regardless of manufacture, a lot leak from the door or a hose breaks inside. Its a bad design to have the tub suspended horizontally all the weight from the water and clothes puts a lot of stress on all the parts. Only the heavy duty ones at laundry mats hold up, but parts have to be changed regularly. Nowadays you have a lot of High Efficiency top load washers available to pick from    

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