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Eric - TIA

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Everything posted by Eric - TIA

  1. Sweet, will have to be more aware at the next GIE to check these out.
  2. Interesting. I didn't know that either. Good to know the relationship with Works & Rockwell. Wonder how well they will sell?
  3. Don't know why, but I am addicted to those small boxes. Nice setup with the Dewalt case.
  4. No, I didn't have any experience with them. I am pretty sure I saw them at GIE but there are so many mowers, I get confused if it was them or someone else.
  5. Never used them. I didn't even know they were around but I guess it makes sense.
  6. Wow, no idea and if anyone knows something, I would be interested in hearing. I have a stain on my wood floor as this and nothing has worked. I know if I sand just that spot, it will be hard to match the color.
  7. Interesting. I have no experience with that site/program
  8. Wow that looks mint. I like that set up. Dan is a huge Jeep guy. I have to admit, they are fun to drive.
  9. Wow that is a nice looking car. I see them around and like them a lot. Looks awesome, especially with the background. I would like to ask how it drives and how it is but it's a Porsche, so I am pretty sure I all ready know.
  10. All good here. Just got back from Vegas for the 2023 hardware show, which was awesome. Saw and meet a lot of cool people. On the Homefront, seems like the flu is going around. Tring to find a cool project to work on next. How is everyone else?
  11. Wish I could help but I am not familiar with that type of roof. Where I live all we do is asphalt shingles.
  12. Good question. I have no idea. I would be asking neighbors etc and maybe they can use some. Other than that, I don't know where to dispose of it.
  13. Good idea. I am actually looking for the same thing. I need to build something for our outside.
  14. Sweet, sounds like a good plan. You have built a nice road map.
  15. Yes, that would be cool to have that experience and certificate for range officer. Heck, even down the road when you retire if you get board or wants a couple of extra bucks, it's something you can always do.
  16. Sweet, would like to try out this sander
  17. That's crazy when customer get mouthy, can't stand when people act like that.
  18. Wow that is such a nice job, came out awesome. The first time is always more than what you think. I poured Ardex in my mudroom thinking it would be a simple process. Would have been simple if I read the directions, but didn't. In the end, I had to do 4 pours when I could have done one pour. Oh Well.
  19. Every time I sign on you have something new, I am jealous but it's awesome. I really have to get my butt in gear.
  20. A little late but Merry Christmas and happy new year.
  21. I use the Winchester also but not the silvertips, I will have to try them out. Once you get the Canik decked out, show us a picture. This might be my next purchase, whenever that will be.
  22. I have never heard of Canik but just took a look. They look very cool. Let me know what you think.
  23. We have a long time user on the forum who we need to help out and you also have a chance to win some cool items. Go over here to enter - https://campaign.xtool.com/firesafetysetgiveaway?kid=2JEZKA Here is the original post for more information. Let's all rally around and help out Comp56.
  24. Sounds like you have some nice things planed for the one or two a month. I still don't own a Glock but when I do get my next one, it's going to be a Glock.
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