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Everything posted by FrosBros82

  1. Woah, I would be careful to use the word "small". That shop look awesome.
  2. I like the idea, since they seem to have more cordless tools in their lineup than anyone. I guess to me it is going to depend on if you just need a "cordless mower". If I have Makita tools, this might be an okay investment... if I am just looking for a new mower then I am going with the EGO.
  3. Yeah, I would hope that the extraction would be better on a new saw. I guess if they waited so long to come out with a cordless miter... I would have assumed that most of these issues would be non existent as Dewalt and Makita have had them out for some time.
  4. Woah! Yeah, I am hoping they update some of their cordless line! The rep that I deal with directly says that their main focus is plumbing and electrical. However, then they end up coming out with miter saws, planers, jog saws, etc.
  5. Interesting. The local store here in town had the system on sale ( not much of a sale) and I was thinking about purchasing it. I didn't really even consider how well it is sealed in terms of debris getting into the boxes. Not sure if Milwaukee's new boxes have a similar design in terms of how well they close?
  6. Touche'. I notice similar things about Home Depot reviews. I see people complain about the service in the store, but they will say they love the tool. Last time I checked that would be a store review, not a tool review. FB82
  7. I had not heard that about the miter saw, interesting. Speaking of jigsaw, it surprises me that they have not made a brushless version yet.
  8. Yeah, I hear you. Not from there, just went to school in Nebraska.
  9. Good grief. Yeah, that would be a crazy addition to their lineup!
  10. Well played. For most companies, I am sure they have plenty of first time items that they either strike gold on, or it's complete garbage. Hence the second generation version seems to always come out.
  11. haha. I only said that because the likelihood of anyone else knowing where Grand Island is or that it is an actual place is probably slim to none! That could be a complete hyperbole, but most likely not haha
  12. Concrete nailer? Care to elaborate? I have not heard anything about it...
  13. I was fortunate enough to spend some of my hard earned money at the Home Depot in Grand Island, NE (of all places). I bought a pair of the Milwaukee side cutters. Cool store, considering it's in a town with less than 50,000 people. Actually, in comparison to some of the other Depots I have seen in the Midwest, I think this was one of the better ones.
  14. I also have the 2361... and I have no complaints with it's original design. I know that the 9.0 doesn't fit in this model (without breaking out the back handle), but other than that I think it is great.
  15. Yeah, after a little more research I have now seen a few videos online. Thanks for the update.
  16. Interesting. I would have thought it would be more expensive, to be honest. Also, why not make it a 60v?
  17. Interesting. I had not heard too much negative about the level.
  18. I have not heard good things about the redsticks. Honestly, I am with the post above... if I was going to buy a level owned by Milwaukee I would go with Empire before the redstick. With that, since they are similarly priced to the Stabila, why wouldn't you just buy something that is almost a 100% to read plumb and level accurately?
  19. Yeah, after seeing the photos on this I am going to have to see some reviews before I pull the trigger. Funny, because I was about to buy the tough system until I realized that this came out. Nothing to do with Milwaukee vs. DeWalt, but more for I want to buy something that will hold up, if that makes sense? FB82
  20. I have the M12 Fuel Hackzal, which I like a lot. After reading your post, I am glad that I went with the brushless version.
  21. Yeah, I have heard that about the brushless version too.
  22. Not trying to crap on Milwaukee here, but I am just curious about tools that people have owned that didn't turn out so good? For me, I wasn't impressed with their M12 Vac or the original M18 blower. The blower was okay, but in my opinion that vacuum was terrible... it struggled with even the smallest of tasks, in my opinion. FB82
  23. Touche'. I didn't really consider the "storage process" of storing the box.. if that makes sense. Having a plan of attack for what you are going to put in the system is the way to go.
  24. I agree. It's interesting that they actually came out with new storage solutions. I talked to my Milwaukee rep about storage and he told me there is minimal money in it... because the shipping cost that come with the boxes... which at the time made sense in my mind. With that, I think it's more of a product to try and counter what Dewalt is doing.... in my opinion.
  25. I guess I would always error on the side of caution? I think either will do, but if you want to store additional accessories, like you said then maybe the larger box? Also, online the price difference on them is about $11.00 American dollars. So for that, I am definitely going with the 400. FB82
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